Merry Christmas from Doug Firebaugh - A Little Christmas Training Story

Published: Fri, 12/25/20

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I just wanted to wish you a wonderful day and
hope you have the best Christmas you could ever possibly have!

Here is a little Christmas Day Training Story for you:

The Little boy heard something downstairs stirring. It was Christmas eve.
he jumped out of bed and snuck downstairs and he looked and well...


He was busy looking at the Christmas Tree and he stopped and turned around
and said, "Hi Billy!"

Billy froze. "Am I in trouble?" little Billy asked?

Santa said, "No my little friend, you are not. But i do have a question
Billy. WHY did you ask for your own business at such a young age?" Billy
was 6 years old.

Billy said, "My mom and dad I know are struggling with money and they try
and not talk about it but I know and I want to help them. I don't know how
to start anything. I am only 6 years old. But i want to help them."

Santa smiled, as a tear appeared in his eye. Billy did not know but his
parents were on the stairs listening.

Billy simply asked Santa, "If I forgo my presents this year, would you
please help me start a business I can help mom an dad with?"

Santa smiled and said, 'I will do better than that. I will give your mom
and dad a business they can run part time to help them financially, and
you can help them with that as well as still get your presents. How does that
sound Billy?"

Billy smiled and said "AWESOME!"

Santa reached into his bag and took out a large box and laid it under the
tree and said, "There. You can help them with this when they open it in the
morning in the kitchen."

As Santa was getting ready to leave, he stopped and said with Billy's
parents listening, "Why were you willing to give up your presents Billy?"

Billy answered, "Because I overheard them talking this week and saying that
they would forgo giving presents to each other and anyone else so I could
have a great Christmas because this year was just so hard on everyone. And
I wanted to do what I could to help them so they could have a present
this year."

Little Billy's parents heard what he was saying with tears rolling down
their face.

Santa said, "You are an unusual little boy and your parents should be so
proud of you." And as he left, Santa could be heard saying, "Dream on
Billy! Dream on my little friend! Up and away Rudolph! HO HO HO!"

Billy woke up and rubbed his eyes and said, "Was that a dream? Did that
really happen? Wow. That rocked!" He got out of bed and ran downstairs
as it was Christmas day and as he walked into the kitchen, a friend of
his parents were talking to them at the kitchen table.

Billy's Mom looked at Billy and said, "Billy, our friend Mary stopped by
this morning and was talking to us as she had a dream last night about
your dad and I running our own business out of our home and helping build
some financial security for you and us. She came over and showed us how
we could do that and what a great Christmas present this will be for the
coming years."

Billy ran into the living room and still under the tree and there was the
BOX Santa had out there. Without asking permission, he ripped it open and
found all kinds of toys and gifts he had been asking for.

There was a small note at the bottom of the box and it simply said, "I gave
you what you asked for, and just remember- next time YOU be Santa!"

How many people out there are PRAYING for extra income and some security
with their life? How many lives MUST be changed and can be changed with a
business they can work from home par time?

This year- YOU BE SANTA and give the Gift of Financial Options that help people
who need a way out of their circumstances.

There are a LOT of little Billys out there- and YOU must be the one who shares
the gift of freedom and hope for 2021. So Christmas can come EVERY DAY in 2021!

There is a Millionaire Inside of YOU. YOU Decide who WINS!


blessings...Dr. Doug and Dr. Jodi Andros Firebaugh