:30 Second Recruiting - Is it Really POSSIBLE? YEP. 2 Question to Ask Prospects.

Published: Tue, 03/02/21

2 Question / 30 Second Recruiting Tactic.

This is for online as well as offline.

I have trained and coached thousands of people on :30 Second Recruiting and it truly works.
And works well. There of folks that have built their business using it - online and offline.

This is a QUICK way to recruit someone or at least find out if they have any interest.

And I have used a version of it before in talking to people about our company and what we do.

This is just a little bit of what we went over in the LIVE Noon Zoom Training today and
this is just a micro sample of what we cover.

When you are talking / messaging with someone and you mention a product and do not want to
beat around the bush and want to be DIRECT with them – but in an INDIRECT way, try this –

1. “How large of a market do you believe there is for a product like this?”

This could be weight loss, energy, beauty, skincare and anything else that
may be sold.

Prospect probably answers HUGE.

2. “It is so large we really need help! We are having trouble keeping up with it. How would
you like to help people < slim down / look younger / travel cheaper etc> part time and get
paid well for it?”

These 1 questions have recruited many prospects as I have seen it happen over and over and over.

This is just one of many Recruiting Strategies that we train on in our LIVE Training Noon Zooms for being part of WealthFuel our Private Exclusive member Training site.

if you are not a member of WealthFuel and want to check it out:


I have a whole "30 Second Recruiting Training” in WealthFuel that we teach and
it is powerful and effective- online and offline.

JOIN our FREE PRIVATE Training Facebook Group WealthFuel Nation:


There is a MILLIONAIRE Inside of YOU. YOU Decide who wins.

blessings….. Dr. Doug Firebaugh