A PAWSitive Update!

Published: Thu, 06/11/15

PAWSitive Passages
+ Here's What's New!
It's not Friday yet, but we're adding a new feature! We'll occasionally send you a little update like this so you don't miss out on anything new! You'll still get the Friday newsletter, which is going to give you evergreen articles, advice, and featured Coonies. Each Friday newsletter is like a magazine - it will never get old.

The May Album is all wrapped up, and June Album is growing almost as fast as a Maine Coon kitten! Some of our Featured Coonies include Harper, Emma, Emily, Nougat, and Miss Zoey of Colossal Cats. Enjoy meeting them and reading their stories!
+ Mishu's Rescue Story:
Grab a tissue and enjoy Kathleen's moving story of how she rescued Mishu, just in time. Here is her before picture. You won't believe how different she looks now! 

Kathleen writes: "A year ago I rented a cottage and on the property there was a cat roaming the yard. My landlord said it was homeless for the past 4 yrs and it just lived under my cottage I'm renting. 

Landlord and son fed the cat but it was too fast running away when attempted capture. I was sad and started helping with food also. I would talk to the cat and hang around trying to gain trust…"      ...Continue Reading
