Build more muscle and increase your flexibility...!

Published: Fri, 10/24/14


Two weeks ago I was running my boot camp in sunny Portugal with 15 women all wanting to get fit, lose their bloat and feel energized.

It was an amazing few days.  We started the day with an early walk along the 6 mile sandy beach, and then did a typical boot camp workout followed by a scrumptious breakfast either in one of the private villas or at the local café.

The day was then open for whatever they fancied doing and lunch was served in one of the villas, before we did a Pilates-style workout and then visited a couple of gorgeous restaurants for dinner.

This was a trial run to see how smoothly it would run and whether we needed to add or change any of the plans we had in place.  We have tweaked a few pieces to make it run even smoother and I’m very excited to begin to put some dates together for the next one.

The cost included the flights, accommodation and all food and expenses so nobody had to pay any extras. 

On this particular trial run, although we had all the food organized it was slightly ‘looser’ in terms of the clean eating plan however the general consensus was that all the bootcampers would have preferred a stricter eating regime which will be implemented on the next one.

We will be running another very soon and I wondered whether you might be interested in signing up for the next one.  If you have an interest then please let me know. 


In previous newsletters I’ve spoken about the origins of Pilates and of Joseph Pilates being a cigar smoking, bodybuilding, boxer, self-defense expert and top gymnast. 

The method was original taught to men – in prison of all places!  This was because Joseph Pilates was interned during the war and his initial guinea pigs were bedridden men who wanted to keep up their fitness.

So why don’t more men do Pilates?  We know that professional rugby squads, footballers and many other athletes use the method to strengthen their muscles and ward off injuries.

Golfers are now realizing the benefits of using Pilates to improve their game.  As this particular sport is so very asymmetrical it is essential to balance up both sides of your body to get the best out of your game.

If you are looking for a total full body workout that is going to build more muscle, increase your flexibility and get rid of those tiresome aches and pains then get in touch……   I only have ONE SPACE left in my Men Only class but there are other classes that might suit just as well.

The new boot camp is in full swing and numbers are high as the word gets around about how effective this style of training is for weight loss.

The first session started in the pouring rain but this didn’t seem to hamper everyone’s efforts to make the most of the workout.

You can get such an amazing buzz from being outside and the outdoor gym is full of amazing tools to use and also get you working much harder without you even noticing.

If you fancy getting a plan together for Christmas (sorry it seems so early to talk about but …..  the early bird catches the worm etc etc) the dates for the November/December boot camp are:

10th/11th November – 4th December

Get in touch and book your space by emailing me direct at [email protected].

Have a fabulous weekend and I look forward to seeing you very soon.

Best wishes
Julie xx

Joining Bootcamp is one of the best things that has ever happened to me . I will try and explain why.

I joined bootcamp having seen one of the posters in Petworth and decided that as it said ‘Fat Loss Bootcamp’ there were bound to be ‘fat’ people there, which immediately gave me the confidence to phone because what I didn’t want was to join an exercise class where there were leotard clad, skinny people. (As it turns out not everyone was fat, but by the time I knew that it didn’t matter).

I didn’t ever think I could follow a diet where, essentially, I would be cutting out everything that I regularly eat. However, I decided to give it my best shot as I was keen to loose weight for my fast approaching trip to New Zealand.

During the first month I didn’t eat one crumb that wasn’t on the list of ok food and I put in as much effort as I could during the sessions, it is the kind of mixed exercise that I enjoy.

The people at bootcamp were all supportive and having attended 8 bootcamps I can hopefully give something back to the newbies as well. It does feel like a family group, with so many returning, which is great and we have lots of laughs.

I am very grateful to you for giving me the tools, and the support to take control of my life, I am very happy with the results that I have achieved (with yr help) and I am extremely happy with the way I look, and I feel so much fitter and energised. I can’t imagine going back to the way I was. I feel in total control of my body and wellbeing.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Niki Jones

I absolutely Love Fitness!  

I know that the feeling of being physically on top form brings so much confidence and ease to deal with the things that life throws us and I specialise in teaching others how to achieve this.  My ideal is to deliver personal coaching and classes where people come away feeling good about themselves.

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The Pilates Fitness West Sussex Newsletter is written by Julie Regan and  If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: [email protected]

Pilates Fitness West Sussex

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