I’m kinda proud of them....

Published: Fri, 01/23/15

Hi ,

Last week I had a really exciting time doing a photo shoot for my new Transformational Coaching business.

It was so empowering to have a photographer snapping away and making me feel a million dollars!  I wouldn’t have had the courage to do this a year ago, but by working on my confidence and self-esteem made this possible.

Here is one of the pictures above….  (just had to share as I’m kinda proud of them!)
This new addition to Pilates Fitness West Sussex’ class listings, is a mixture of aerobics and Pilates.  It is for those of you who fancy a bit of the 80s aerobics routines to get your heart rate soaring and to help to get rid of the bloat from the festivities of Christmas and New Year.

The class will be run by Tasha who is amazing fun and will have you sweating off the pounds then down to the floor to work on your core muscles.  It’s an amazing fat-busting workout that brings back the fun of good old-fashioned aerobics whilst attending to your ‘core’ needs.

If you fancy coming along we are offering a ½ price introductory class at a cost of £3 – you just can’t go wrong with this one!  Here are the details:

Tuesday 3rd February
Leconfield Hall, Petworth (upstairs)
10.45 – 11.30 am

Tasha has condensed the class so that you work extra hard to get your whole body worked on in just ¾ hour so it is easier to fit into your Tuesday routine!

Get in touch with me if you would like to book your slot at [email protected]

Pilates is an excellent way of preventing back pain and reducing any back pain you might have.

“But why Pilates in particular?” you might ask…..  well…..

Pilates improves the flexibility and the strength of your back muscles and strengthens the core.  It is a very controlled exercise that focuses on breathing, posture, abdominal and back strength and relaxation.
Pilates can be done without any Read more>>

We have one more week to go for the January boot camp and the results are looking amazing.  I am so super-proud of the amazing effort put in by all the bootcampees and the weather hasn’t been particularly kind to us this January.

If you would like to sign up for the February boot camp click here for the dates and times.

That’s all for now x

Have a fabulous weekend

Best wishes

“I thought my running or should I say jogging days were over – but not since taking part in Julie’s Bootcamp. I really enjoyed it and each week could jog further, and achieve more.  I was very pleased with the inch loss I achieved, but in particular I feel so much better in myself, and have lots more energy.Julie is a fantastic instructor, she explains exercises,diet etc very well and is always there to encourage and support you, in a professional way. She also makes the workouts fun.  I have also taken part in Julie’s Pilates classes which has improved my bad back and enabled me to take part in the Bootcamp, which I don’t think I would have been able to before. I shall return in for another Bootcamp!" - Sophie 

I absolutely Love Fitness!  

I know that the feeling of being physically on top form brings so much confidence and ease to deal with the things that life throws us and I specialise in teaching others how to achieve this.  My ideal is to deliver personal coaching and classes where people come away feeling good about themselves.

 Read More>>

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The Pilates Fitness West Sussex Newsletter is written by Julie Regan and www.pilatesfitnesswestsussex.com  If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: [email protected]