How do you maintain this...?

Published: Fri, 06/05/15


I have been uber busy this week (and last), getting through my ‘to-do’ list that rarely seems to diminish in size:

  • Write out June boot camp workouts
  • Design Pilates class sessions
  • Finish new website
  • Write new article for Observer newspaper
  • Read book-club book
  • Gardening – weeding/planting
  • Attend webinars (Monday pm & Thursday pm)
  • Write newsletter for Pilates Fitness West Sussex 
  • Write newsletter for
  • Write auto-responders for my eBook (x3)
  • Update facebook pages (x3)
  • Update facebook groups (x3)
  • Book tickets for Rude-Mechanical-Theatre-Company
  • Complete latest Module for Coaching Course
  • Book photo shoot for new website
  • Advertise for a new VA
  • Complete self-development book for latest homework Module
  • Organise fancy-dress outfit for friend’s party

I have been told to prioritise the list using a highlighter pen; write each item on a separate post-it note and throw it away when the task is completed; delete the list and just go with my gut as to what needs doing (!!); colour code the list……  and so the advice goes on.

Fact remains, all the stuff needs to be done and my best system is simply to daily prioritise and keep adding to the bottom.

How do you maintain your ‘to-do’ list?  I’d be really interested to know, especially if you have a super system that doesn’t allow for overwhelm and gives you that feel-good sense as you cross things off. 

Let me know x

As you read this Newsletter, take a quick mental note of your posture.  Do you remember the constant reminders to sit up straight and stop slouching?  Well, it turns out that these are the exact same rules to follow if you want to instantly look and feel better. 

Your posture can have a massive impact on your outlook in life, how others view you and your confidence levels too.  Did you know that when you are standing with great posture you will automatically look 5lbs lighter and feel better about yourself.

Try this:
Head: Imagine your head is weightless and allow it to float up away from your shoulders

Shoulders: Spread the front of your shoulders wide apart and feel your shoulder blades gliding down your back

Spine: Lengthen your spine and imagine opening up and creating more space between each vertebra

Abs: Draw your stomach in and up, allowing yourself to breathe easily as you hold this.

Butt: Feel your ‘sit bones’ (at the base of your pelvis) drop down towards your heels

Legs: Check that your knees are not rolling in (or out) and are perfectly aligned over your feet and facing forward.

Feet: Lift your arches slightly and spread your toes and imagine roots growing down into the earth from the base of each foot.
Finally, imagine a line from the base of your spine to the top of your head and you are being pulled in both directions simultaneously – towards the ground and up towards the sky, feel the opposing forces as you elongate a little more.

Keep doing these posture checks to help you feel better, look fantastic and gain more confidence.

“The usual excuse of “lack of time” for not doing enough exercise is blown away by new research published in The Journal of Physiology”.  Science Daily (source of the latest research news)

I have taken an excerpt from the above article to show you how effective the exercise is which we use in the Regan Method boot camp.  The HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) gets you ‘there’ without having to slave away for hours on the treadmill and be killed off with boredom !!

“The study, from scientists at Canada's McMaster University, adds to the growing evidence for the benefits of short term high-intensity interval training (HIT) as a time-efficient but safe alternative to traditional types of moderate long term exercise. Astonishingly, it is possible to get more by doing less!

HIT means doing a number of short bursts of intense exercise with short recovery breaks in between and this produces the same physical benefits as conventional long duration endurance training despite taking much less time (and amazingly, actually doing less exercise!)

Less extreme HIT method may work well for people (the older, less fit, and slightly overweight among us) whose doctors might have worries about them exercising "all-out."

We have known for years that repeated moderate long-term exercise tunes up fuel and oxygen delivery to muscles and aids the removal of waste products. Exercise also improves the way muscles use the oxygen to burn the fuel in mitochondria, the microscopic power station of cells.

The traditional approach to exercise is time consuming. Martin Gibala and his team have shown that the same results can be obtained in far less time with brief spurts of higher-intensity exercise.

The "secret" to why HIT is so effective is unclear. However, the study by Gibala and co-workers also provides insight into the molecular signals that regulate muscle adaptation to interval training. It appears that HIT stimulates many of the same cellular pathways that are responsible for the beneficial effects we associate with endurance training.”

So you see, you don’t need to be spending hours exercising – you just need to be doing the RIGHT exercises and doing them the RIGHT way to make the biggest impact.

If you fancy coming along and having a go at boot camp then get in touch by emailing me direct:

Here is the usual reminder of the days and times:

JUNE BOOT CAMP 01/02 June – 25th June
Have a fabulous weekend
See you soon
Best wishes

I absolutely Love Fitness!  

I know that the feeling of being physically on top form brings so much confidence and ease to deal with the things that life throws us and I specialise in teaching others how to achieve this.  My ideal is to deliver personal coaching and classes where people come away feeling good about themselves.

 Read More>>

You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including my contact information. Thanks and enjoy!

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The Pilates Fitness West Sussex Newsletter is written by Julie Regan and  If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: [email protected]