PMBOK 6th Edition Release Date and Timeline

Published: Sun, 07/17/16

PMBOK 6th Edition Release Date and Timeline
This article is a brief overview of the release date for A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Sixth Edition and how this affects the PMP Exam.

In addition to giving you all the dates of the PMBOK 6 release we will also give you our recommendation on which version you should use for your PMP exam prep studies.
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What PMP Exam Flashcards Should Contain To Be a Complete PMP Study Guide
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Ebook: Ten Secrets to Becoming a PMP
The PMP Exam Study Coach
The PM StudyCoach is your GPS to the Project Management Professional Exam. Over the course of ten weeks you receive a series of 14 recorded coaching sessions and supplemental study materials. In this way you follow a proven study approach that thousands have followed before you. You'll know exactly what to do. Day after day. Week after week. Order now for just $49.99 and start your navigation to the PMP Exam.
PMP Exam Lessons Learned 
Study materials used and lessons learned towards becoming a PMP shared to us by PM PrepCast student Jon Arbin, PMP.

" I passed my PMP test on July 2nd with 2 Proficient and 3 Moderately Proficient. I studied for about 2.5 months and I used the PM PrepCast and the PM StudyCoach as my two main on-line tools. I had the PMBOK guide and Head First PMP for reading materials. I personally found the PM PrepCast to be an outstanding product and I loved the way Cornelius presented the topics. When I studied, I would read one chapter per week from the PMBOK guide and then watch the PM PrepCast videos. After watching the PM PrepCast videos, I would read the same chapters from my Head First PMP book. I found this method of studying for me was best and helped enforce what I had learned.

As a result of purchasing the PM PrepCast, I was offered an outstanding deal on the PM StudyCoach which I also purchased. I purchased this a few weeks into my studies and found the PM StudyCoach was another valuable tool for studying. The PM StudyCoach provided a high-level overview and Cornelius focused on essential-essentials and highlighted additional resources to enhance my studies. I found this valuable training material..."
PMP Exam Sample Q and A
Joe is running a public transportation system project. He believes there are numerous scenarios that could affect his project's schedule. Some of the scenarios include delays in a major component delivery or a strike by local workers. He wants to see how these scenarios will impact the project schedule. What is the best technique to use in this scenario?

A. Resource Leveling
B. Monte Carlo Analysis
C. Run Charts
D. Tornado Diagram

HINT: This technique is also called What-If Scenario Analysis.
Get the answer here...
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With the simulator you have online access to 750 realistic CAPM exam sample questions in 5 exams. The style and difficulty of all questions closely match the questions that you will encounter on your actual CAPM exam. All questions were developed by a team of certified project managers (one of them was even a former volunteer who developed questions for PMI) and your questions are updated to the latest CAPM Exam Content Outline as well as the most recent PMBOK Guide.

Learn More About CAPM Exam Simulator...
PMP Exam Coaching Student Success Story:
​​​​​​​Erik M. Jacob, PMP
"I heard an interview on the PM Podcast, with Dan Ryan and I signed up right away.
For me the most difficult part was just understanding the PMI’s framework. How does all this tie together? My exam coach assisted me greatly in understanding this. Helping me know what I needed to know for the exam verses reading PMBOK v5 was also a huge win for me.

My coach Dan, was exceptional. He pushed me to move fast. He showed me how to learn and understand the concepts rather than memorizing all the many moving parts. He also explained why this was important as well. I feel that for me the coaching was just that, coaching. This kept me on the right path to PMP success!

To those studying for the PMP exam I would recommend two things:
1. Have a coach to objectively evaluate your readiness to take the exam.
2. Take practice exams and then more practice exams followed by even more."
Instructor-Led Classes for Your PMP Exam Preparation
To deliver the best possible PMP Exam prep training to you we are partnering with independent trainers around the world to deliver a course to you that blends instructor-led training with our very own self-study tools.

By signing up for these classes you have the benefit of attending in-person or online instruction and also receive access to our self-study materials like The PM PrepCast or PMP Exam Simulator. This blended approach allows you to first participate in a classroom training and then deepen the instruction and practice your PMP exam with self-study.

It's the fast-track to your PMP certification.
Find a class here...
Learn The Secret Behind Studying and Memorizing ITTOs
There are over 400 ITTOs in the PMBOK Guide. Can you tell me what they are? The ITTO Memory Jogger will show you how!

Make sure that you are well-prepared on the day of your PMP Exam. The ITTO Memory Jogger contains methods, tips, tricks and dozens of lessons learned that successful PMP exam takers have used in the past to study and memorize the many, many Inputs, Tools, Techniques and Outputs from the PMBOK Guide.

The Memory Jogger explains what ITTOs are and why they are SO important for the PMP Exam. It explains techniques for memorizing ITTOs and also looks at techniques to study ITTOs from a conceptual perspective. And it even includes an exercise that allows you to determine if you are more suited for ITTO memorization, ITTO conceptual study or a combination thereof.

So don’t get overwhelmed by all the ITTOs! Instead simplify your PMP exam ITTO studies by following the recommendations from The ITTO Memory Jogger.

Please note: This eBook is recommended if your PMP exam is at least 4-6 weeks in the future.
Buy it for only $4.99!
Student Profile: Meena Kumar, PMP
"...During the course of my studies, I spoke to several others looking to take the PMP exam.  My first recommendation was always that they purchase the PM PrepCast through OSP International, LLC., which also comes with the PM Exam Simulator (a 90-day subscription).  Not only are the podcasts with Cornelius Fichtner amazingly helpful and engaging, but the price for the entire purchase is so economical! long with the podcasts, I also purchased the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition.  I also purchased Rita Mulcahy's PMP Exam Prep Book, Eighth Edition.  In my opinion, these are helpful as a foundation for one’s PMP studies..."
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