PMBOK Knowledge Areas for Project Management Guide 5th Edition - Process Groups and Processes - The Complete Guide

Published: Sun, 08/21/16

PMBOK Knowledge Areas for Project Management Guide 5th Edition - Process Groups and Processes - The Complete Guide
By the time you’ve got through the first page of the PMBOK Guide you’ll have come across the terms Knowledge Areas and Process Groups. (They are always capitalized because they are really important.) Add to that a ‘normal’ process and you’ve got three very different things that form the backbone of the book.

But here’s the thing. They overlap, interact and depend on each other. It’s so easy to get confused between a PMBOK Knowledge Area and a Process Group, and then don’t get me started on those 47 processes that are supposed to fit in somewhere. It’s essential to get your head around how everything slots together when you are preparing for the PMP exam.

Trust me – it does all slot together. By the time you get to the end of this article you’ll fully understand the difference between a Knowledge Area, a Process Group and a process. You’ll know how they complement each other and most importantly, you’ll know why they matter. Because at the end of the day understanding all this stuff is fundamental to delivering projects successfully, not just passing a test.
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Ebook: The Short Guide to The PMBOK Guide
Key Activities for the PMP Exam (for PMBOK Guide 5th Edition)
In this free lesson from The PM PrepCast we give you a basic exam checklist. The lesson has four sections not to forget as you get exam ready.

In the "Exam Readiness" section we review four steps you need to go through in order to better understand what the PMP exam is all about. Four is also the number of steps that help ensure that you don't forget to read the most important documents for the exam, discussed in the "Exam Study" section. The "Study Boost" section of the lesson offers three activities that help you boost your studies and finally we give you our recommend study materials in the "Study Materials" section.
Project and Process Tailoring for the PMP Exam
According to A Guide to the PMBOK Guide, a project is “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result”. Being that each project is unique it is important to also understand that an organization's project management processes will likely need to be tailored in order to ensure project success. Project tailoring takes into consideration that project management processes are not "one size fits all", meaning there will be many times when processes need to be adjusted (added, removed, or revised) in order to ensure project success.
PMP Exam Sample Q and A
You are managing a shopping complex construction project. You have carried out a number of similar projects in the past and you want to outsource the electrical work to a contractor company. The last time you used a Cost Plus Fixed Fee contract but you were not satisfied with this approach because you didn't have much control over the outsourced work.

What should you do this time to ensure that you have more control over the outsourced work?

A. Micro-manage the contractor's project management processes
B. Use a Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract (CPIF)
C. Use a Teaming Agreement
D. Change the contractor
Get the answer here...
PMP Exam Lessons Learned from Mixela Morales, PMP
Tips, lessons learned and more towards becoming a PMP shared to us by PM PrepCast student Mixela Morales, PMP.

"In July 2015, I attended a PMP boot camp training. I took the exam a week after my training and did not pass. I tried again in September, and again, I did not succeed. Two exam failures were discouraging and disappointing to say the least. The worst thing was having to call my program manager to tell him I did not pass. Every time, he encouraged me to test again. Without his caring support, I would have given up the first time I failed. Each time I tested, I knew in my heart that I was not ready to test, but I sat for the exam anyway since I was required to satisfy a job requirement within a specific time frame. As I reflect on my exam failures, the biggest mistake I made was testing when I knew I was not ready to test..."
What does my PMP Exam Coach do for me?
Your coach determines your readiness for the PMP exam, assesses your strengths and weaknesses, teaches you the core concepts of PMBOK Guide, tells you what you need to memorize and actually demonstrates HOW you should answer those long winded tricky scenario based PMP Exam questions that drive you nuts!

Your PMP Exam Coach acts as your PMP exam tutor, your personal PMBOK Guide professor, your own motivator and your standardized test taking therapist. He keeps you calm, cool and on track through what many describe as a "nerve wracking test prep process". Your coach answers your questions and keeping you motivated on the road to your PMP exam.

Depending on your available budget you meet with your coach either one-on-one or in a group setting. Obviously, personal coaching sessions are much more effective and targeted to your needs, but group tutoring opens up the dynamics of group learning and may make you feel less detached.

To learn more about PMP Exam Coaching please visit or email Dan Ryan at [email protected].
The ITTO Memory Jogger 
Jumpstart your PMP Exam preparations with the PMP Exam Prep Essentials Study Guide.

Make sure that you have covered the key PMP concepts. The Essentials Guide contains the most important terms, definitions, methods, and formulas for your PMP Exam preparation all in one place. It covers the essential concepts, and includes all Inputs, Tools, Techniques and Outputs (ITTOs) for every project management knowledge area. And it's less than 60 pages long! That's only about 10% of the full PMBOK Guide.

The information is logically organized for easy look-up and reference throughout your studies. That means you can use the Essentials Guide at all stages of your PMP prep: Use it at the beginning to kick-start your studies before you even open the PMBOK Guide. Use it as a check list during your studies to ensure that you have reviewed all the essential concepts. And use it at the end to review and refresh crucial concepts in the days just before your PMP Exam.

So don’t get overwhelmed by the PMBOK Guide! Instead simplify your PMP exam prep.
Order Now for Just $19.99!
Student Success Story - Narendra Karambelkar, PMP
"...My recommendation to the students in the first week of study should do the following:

    * Download the PMBOK guide
    * Start reading the PMBOK Guide & making cheat sheets
    * Start drilling this into mind "Yes I will study couple of hours every day till my exam date"
    * Ignore the following:
        - Any test exams
        - Free sites pertaining to PMP study
        - PM-Prepcast (Only when I finished going thru' the PMBOK guide, i started listening to the PrepCast which was like 3 weeks after start)..."
Flash Cards for PMP Exam Preparation and Certification
The PMP Exam eFlashCards help you Master PMP Exam Concepts and terminology because you can use them right on your smartphone. Great for those moments when you just have a minute or two to review a few concepts. Just take out your phone and study. Also available in PDF format to print at home.
The eFlashCards are Images that you use on your Smart Phone, Tablet or PC. The first image shows the question, the second image has the corresponding answer, the third image shows the next question, and so on. In this way you swipe from image to image, from question to answer, allowing you to study the project management concepts and facts you need to know for the PMP exam.
Master PMP Exam Concepts Now!
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