this will show you how to understand and make ITTO your ally when taking the Exam...

Published: Mon, 04/10/17

For your Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam
The Complete Guide to Inputs, Tools, Techniques and Outputs
Whether you're just beginning your studies, or are well in to your journey to earning a Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification, it's natural to feel a little insecure or intimidated by the seemingly endless PMP® ITTO that are diagramed and discussed for each Project Management process. This one topic is probably responsible for more questions and anxiety for PMP® candidates than any other exam-related topic.

I have good news for you; understanding PMP ITTO and their relationships are logical, easily done, and this Complete Guide will show you how to understand and make ITTO your ally when taking the Exam.
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Essential links for your PMP® Exam prep
Here is your FREE Practice Exam
The most important PMP® exam prep activity is to answer as many sample questions as you possibly can. To help you, we have developed this free preparation test. The questions come from The PM Exam Simulator and they are all based on the most current PMP Exam that has been in effect since January 2016.
Student Profile: James McManners, PMP
"...My recommendations, I am going to borrow a running term and say that in the last week before the test you should start to taper your study habits. Do not try to learn anything new at this point. Hopefully by now, you are feeling very confident, and you don't want anything to derail that confidence. I recommend having your brain dump already organized and only practice writing it out in the final week..."
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK® Guide) 6th edition
Listen to this PM Podcast interview where we interview Cyndi Snyder Dionisio at PMI Global Congress in San Diego, California.

We discuss her presentation "PMBOK® Guide -- Sixth Edition: Preview of Coming Attractions". 
Listen to this PM Podcast episode here...
Student Testimonial: Novella Springette, PMP
"I used the PM Exam Simulator along with two books and passed on the first try. I achieved proficiency in every area.

The questions were remarkably similar to that of the PMP and generally the explanations given were outstanding."
Read More Testimonials...
Sample Question for the PMP Exam
Test yourself with our Free PMP Exam Sample question. This one is looking for a simulation technique.
Congratulations to our students!
Kudos to the following PMP exam passers:

  • Sunny Kaler, PMP
  • Joby Samuel, PMP
  • Wayne Reno, PMP
  • Vivek Gupta, PMP
  • Tushar Joshi, PMP
  • Esmat Ibrahim, PMP
  • Elizabeth Gonzalez, PMP
  • Johnson Kooroth, PMP
  • Clement Tongi, PMP
  • Catherine Teresa Martin, PMP
  • Sebastian Richard Danful, PMP
More PMP Exam Passers Here...
Lessons Learned from James McManners, PMP 
Lessons learned towards becoming a Project Management Professional (PMP)® shared to us by PM PrepCast student James McManners, PMP.

"My trek to the PMP may be a little different than most. I took the exam in 2007 and did not pass, and for various reasons, I did not retake the exam. Fast forward 10 years, I always regretted not retaking the exam. I have been managing facility type projects for almost 20 years, so I talked myself into resubmitting to take the exam..."
Sample Question and Answer
A particular item that is needed for the project is not available in your organization. Considering this, what would you suggest to do first?

A. Conduct a make-or-buy analysis
B. Conduct procurement negotiations
C. Conduct bidder conference
D. Create a request for proposal

HINT: What should the team do first?
Get the correct answer here...
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