Help! I’ve Failed The Project Management Professional Audit!

Published: Mon, 06/05/17

For your Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam
Did you fail the audit?

We are seeing more people failing audits and reaching out for help. If that’s you, don’t worry: I’ve got you covered with this article. And if you are in the middle of your PMP training and preparing your application right now, read on: I have some great tips to help you avoid the headaches audits can bring.
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What The Guide Says About Project Management Leadership
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Process Groups and Processes - The Complete Guide
By the time you’ve got through the first page of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) you’ll have come across the terms Knowledge Areas and Process Groups. (They are always capitalized because they are really important.) Add to that a ‘normal’ process and you’ve got three very different things that form the backbone of the book.
Student Profile: Jerry Tarley, PMP
"...I think to read the official PMP Handbook from Project Management Institute (PMI)® is very important. I would suggest reading everything from PMI® pertaining to the certification that you pursue, if not for any other reason than it realistically moderates your expectations. It is a difficult test! For me, I was very nervous in the weeks leading up to the test, and everything that lent some familiarity to the process was personally appreciated..."
Congratulations to our students!
Kudos to the following PMP exam passers:

  • Jayashree Varada, PMP
  • Myint Thida San, PMP
  • Jonathon Jorgenson, PMP
  • Mixela Morales, PMP
  • Michelle Mason, PMP
  • Sharon Vincent, PMP
  • Gowdama Prasad, PMP
  • Yamuna Nair, PMP
  • Suzanne Cherry, PMP
  • David Cypert, PMP
More PMP Exam Passers Here...
"I am not progressing, no matter how hard I study."
Let's help Alyssa answer her questions:

"I've been studying for my PMP off and on for about a year. Work and lack of motivation got in the way for a while, but I've been back at it for the last six weeks- studying 3-6 hours each day. I've read Rita at least 4 times, and have gone through the PMBOK guide multiple times as well. On the Rita practice exams, I've done them so many times that I have the answers all memorized. I THOUGHT I was ready for the exam, which is scheduled for this Friday. Has anyone else been stuck in a "I am not progressing, no matter how hard I study" phase? How did you overcome it?"
Joint the forum discussion now...
How to use Windows Calculator for exponent
Here is a short video that explains how to use a windows calculator to calculate future value, using 'exponent / to the power of'
Be Ready to Take The Exam with The PM Exam Simulator
The PM Exam Simulator™ gives you an "insider’s view" of the actual Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam.

​​​​​​​Practice on 1,800 highly realistic PMP® Exam sample questions that were developed based on the current exam specifications.
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Lessons Learned from Joe Nino E. Orapa, PMP
Lessons learned towards becoming a Project Management Professional (PMP)® shared to us by PM PrepCast student Joe Nino E. Orapa, PMP

""Practice Makes Perfect!" I posted that quote in my Facebook timeline a few minutes after I passed the PMP exam last 31st March, 2016. Nobody really congratulated me in FB after hours of posting, until my wife posted my Exam Results and commented "Practice Makes Perfect = PMP!" Then, hundreds likes and comments flooded my FB page, from my colleagues, friends, and friends of friends.I believe that my strategy is much more focus on actual practice... but for me, it works.

Practice really makes perfect... and it has defined my journey towards becoming a PMP..."
Sample Question and Answer
Which document will you refer to if you are unable to understand a component of the WBS?

A. The Project Charter
B. The Scope Statement
C. WBS Dictionary
D. Statement of Work

​​​​​​​HINT: This document provides details about the deliverables, activity, and scheduling information for each component.
Get the correct answer here...
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