another group coaching class starts on August 20th. See you there!

Published: Tue, 07/25/17

For your Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam
PMP® Exam Group Coaching Class Starts on August 20th!
PMP Coach Dan Ryan is starting another group coaching class to help you ace the PMP exam! In the past you had to pay $249 for his group coaching. But the class starting in July is now offered for just $49.

This class is exactly the same class that Dan has previously taught to hundreds of successful exam takers! This means that you will get the exact same lessons and quality of coaching, but you're paying $200 less!
The only difference is that the minimum class size is 20 students.
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Why do we use a Probability and Impact Matrix?
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Exam Group Coaching Class for only $49
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Short Guide to The PMBOK Guide
The 40 Flashcards a Day Exam Study Habit
Studying for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam may feel like a long and daunting process. There are many study aids available for use that can help make the studying process feel a little less overwhelming. One such study aid is a Flashcard.

​​​​​​​A Flashcard is defined by as “a small card printed with words, pictures, or numbers that helps someone learn something.” In this article, we discuss how Flashcards can make your PMP® Exam studying a lot easier, along with how developing a 40 flashcards a cards a day habit can help you pass the PMP Exam.
Student Profile: Lucia Lawson, PMP
"...My recommendations in the last week before the exam,  you have to take as may practice tests as possible—analyze your weak areas and then take some more exams. And you have to relax. Get your game plan ready, practice taking 200 question exams without breaks and then watch some mindless television and relax..."
Congratulations to our students!
Kudos to the following PMP exam passers:

  • Derek Walsh, PMP
  • Ngozi Ntamere, PMP
  • Tom Steinseifer, PMP
  • Timo Ruhl, PMP
  • Clark Moussou, PMP
  • Amie Sluiter, PMP
  • Donna Lynn Hall, PMP
  • Stephen Davison, PMP
  • Hadis Habibinejad, PMP
  • Sulaiman Sakkeer Hussain, PMP
More PMP Exam Passers Here...
Please help me answer this question
Let's help our forum member understand this procurement change question:

The Question is:
You are assigned as the project manager to a project which is executed for a customer under FP contract. Your customer informed you this morning that they insist on certain "refinements" of the project scope.

You agree that the requested actions make really sense to the project, but believe that they constitute a major change increasing the project scope. What should you do next?

Joint the forum discussion now...
Free PMP Sample Question: Earned Value
Test yourself with our Free PMP Exam Sample question. This one is looking at your cognitive bias
Sample Question and Answer
You are the project manager at a dress manufacturing company. You have been asked to estimate the duration of a project that requires you to produce 500 shirts. Based on a previous similar project, you assume that since the time required by a person to produce a shirt was 8 hours, total effort required for this project would be 4000 hours. Which estimation technique are you using here?

A. Analogous
B. Bottom up
C. Three point
D. Parametric
HINT: This technique involves statistical relationships with historical data from similar projects.
Get the correct answer here...
Lessons Learned from Todd Clark, PMP
Lessons learned towards becoming a Project Management Professional (PMP)® shared to us by PM PrepCast student Todd Clark, PMP.

"Well...I did it, and it feels wonderful. I was shooting for proficient in all five process groups, but I am happy with my results. How did I do it? The PM PrepCast was essential for me.

I work for a weak matrix organization, and I am basically a project coordinator..."
Be Ready to Take The Exam with The PM Exam Simulator
The PM Exam Simulator gives you an "insider’s view" of the actual PMP Exam. Practice on 1,800 highly realistic PMP Exam sample questions that were developed based on the current exam specifications.

Prepare "like real" with the 90-day access as often as you want. Read detailed explanations alongside all answers and learn why your answer was / was not correct. Learn effective test taking strategies with The PM Exam Simulator and pass the PMP Exam on your first try!

Don't get caught off guard on exam day. With first-hand experience of the environment and questions you’ll encounter when you take the exam, you can raise your score, increase your confidence and be fully prepared to succeed.

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