PROFILE: Transhumanism - The LIE of Eternal Life through Technology?

Published: Fri, 11/25/22

Good afternoon ,

Enclosed is your Profile on Transhumanism, a movement committed to leveraging exponential advances in medicine, science and technology to create an unprecedented utopia of human flourishing ultimately eliminating all aging and death. Watchman 4-page Profile on Transhumanism

  • Are we about witness a major shift in human evolution?
  • Should we no longer seek God but strive to developed our own god-like attributes and powers?
  • Are we on the verge of achieving endless life on planet earth without the need for a savior?

A diverse but growing number of voices are answering “Yes.” Our Profile, written by Dr. Douglas Groothuis, helps you identify and understand this controversial new movement called Transhumanism. Get your copy here: Transhumanism Profile. Be sure to check out the Christian Response section.

Thank You for Your Partnership

I hope you enjoyed a blessed Thanksgiving. I am grateful for each of you who are praying for our Watchman team and for those who partner with us financially. If you can help this month, please donate online at Your help is much needed and greatly appreciated. May our Lord richly bless you!

Yours in Christ,

Click here for James Walker Bio
James K. Walker, President
Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 310
Arlington, TX 76004 USA
[email protected]

About Watchman Fellowship: We are an evangelical Christian discernment ministry founded in 1979 focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, New Age spirituality, and world religions. We provide apologetics (a defense of the Christian faith) and evangelism (sharing the Christian gospel of Grace) to people of other faiths. We also equip tens of thousands of Christians each year to understand and reach people of other religions with the truth gospel. Watchman Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 c-3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the United States: IRS Tax ID number 58-1363278. For more information, see:


Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094 USA

Watchman Fellowship, PO Box 310, Arlington, TX, 76004, USA

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