WACO 30 Years Later 🔥 David Koresh's Branch Davidians (+2 Free Books)

Published: Wed, 04/19/23

REMEMBERING WACO 30 AGO TODAY - David Koresh and the Branch Davidian Cult Tragedy 30 Years Later on Apologetics Profile podcast with James Walker and Brady Blevins. LISTEN NOW and be sure to check out our FREE BOOK offer!
Remembering Waco - 30 Years Later
Thirty years ago, a small army of federal agents stormed the compound of the Branch Davidian cult led by David Koresh with armored vehicles, knocking down walls and launching tear gas. That deadly assault outside of Waco, Texas was the culmination of a 51-day standoff between government agents, four of whom were killed in the line of duty, and the Davidians. The assault ended horrifically when a tragic fire quickly consumed the compound and claimed the lives of over 80 Davidians, including 26 children.

On this podcast, Watchman senior apologist Brady Blevins and I discuss the history and development of this sect of Seventh Day Adventism, the very real dangers of cultic mind control and the unbelievable power of spiritual abuse. We also talked about what went wrong 30 years ago and the circumstances which contributed to those tragic deaths. Why remember Waco? Remembering Waco helps us to never forget the tragic consequences that may result from pursuing false Christs and counterfeit Christianity.

SPECIAL OFFER: Two Free Books and Bonus Video

I have two free books for you -- one by former Branch Davidian (now Christian) Robert Scott and one written by his mother, Alice Scott. Robert's parents, Ken and Alice, never gave up on rescuing their son from the dangerous influence of David Koresh. My staff worked countess hours with Robert's family helping them to understand the beliefs of the Branch Davidians and the incredible control David Koresh exerted over his followers. Fortunately, the Lord blessed and Robert broke free. His messiah is now the Lord Jesus Christ not David Koresh.

Alice Scott made a decision to publish everything she had learned through this experience and use it as a blessing. She told her family's story in her book, The Incredible Power of Cults, specifically to help others whose children or loved ones were trapped by spiritual abuse in a false religion. Robert Scott also wrote his autobiography, A Branch on Fire, including his life experiences and the critical lessons he learned in Waco at the Branch Davidian compound under David Koresh. I would like you to have both books for free!

Free Book: "The Incredible Power of Cults"I'll mail you a free copy of The Incredible Power of Cults by Alice Scott (currently $80 on Amazon.com) and send you a link to read the digital edition of Robert Scott’s book. Both books are free. All we ask is a donation of at least $3.84 to help with postage.1 Any tax-deductible donation above that will be greatly appreciated. We can really use your support and I hope you will be as generous as possible. The bottom line, however, is that I don’t want finances to keep you from owning these books. That’s why we are giving them away. Just click here to request your two books and bonus video: www.watchman.org/Waco.

BONUS VIDEO: My Interview with a Current Branch Davidian

Did you know that there are still Branch Davidians who believe David Koresh is their Messiah who will soon return to earth? With your books, I would like to include a link to watch a bonus video. In 2018 on the 25th anniversary of the original ATF raid, I was able to interview a surviving Branch Davidian and burn victim, Clive Doyle, on the Branch Davidian's Mount Carmel property near Waco. Clive, who passed away last year at the age of 81, continued to believing that David Koresh was his Messiah.

Mr. Doyle was one of the few Davidians who managed to escape the burning building 30 years ago. Although his daughter was killed and he was badly burned that day, he still believed that David Koresh was sent by God and would physically return to earth along with all the Davidians who died in the fire. I conducted a lengthy interview with Mr. Doyle to find out his version of what really happened 30 years ago. I also wanted to know how, after all these years, he could still believe that David Koresh was his Messiah.

I will include a link for you to watch my interview with Clive Doyle in its entirety. Just request both books and the bonus interview using the enclosed reply form or online at www.watchman.org/Waco.

After checkout, please check your email for instant access to the bonus video and both books in digital format. Then, allow 10 to 14 days for shipping to receive your paperback copy of The Incredible Power of Cults.

Thank you for your prayer and financial support! Your gift helps us to share the true gospel of Jesus Christ with those of other faiths!

Yours in Christ,
Click here for James Walker Bio
James K. Walker, President
Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 310
Arlington, TX 76010
Web: www.watchman.org
Email: [email protected]

1 Due to postage and customs restrictions, the paperback book, The Incredible Power of Cults, is shipped to US residents only. International donors will only receive instant access to the digital editions of both books plus a link to watch the bonus video. 

About Watchman Fellowship: We are an evangelical Christian discernment ministry founded in 1979 focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, New Age spirituality, and world religions.  We provide apologetics (a defense of the Christian faith) and evangelism (sharing the Christian gospel of Grace) to people of other faiths. We also equip tens of thousands of Christians each year to understand and reach people of other religions with the truth gospel. Watchman Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 c-3 nonprofit organization.  Donations are tax-deductible in the United States: IRS Tax ID number 58-1363278. For more information, see: http://www.watchman.org.
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PO Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094 USA

Watchman Fellowship, PO Box 310, Arlington, TX, 76004, USA

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