☣️ PROFILE: Lee Man-hee and the Dangerous Cult of Shincheonji (SCJ)

Published: Thu, 06/22/23

Good afternoon ,

Here is your copy of our latest Profile on Shincheonji (SCJ), a rapidly expanding new religious movement out of South Korea with over 300,000 registered members worldwide. The group’s leader, 91-year-old Lee Man-hee, is a self-proclaimed Messiah “regarded as immortal and infallible by his followers.”1
Watchman 4-page Profile on Shincheonji
The cult is now secretly infiltrating Christian churches including in the United States. SCJ should not be underestimated. As reported in our Profile, SCJ “is a very aggressive, high demand, secretive, Korean apocalyptic cult that has a long history of heresy, along with a culture of practicing deception, manipulation, and outright lying on a scale that has rarely been seen among other groups in their recruitment, historical claims, and in the creation of their public image.”

Be sure to check out your enclosed Profile for the full report. I hope it is a valuable resource helping you to be a Watchman (Ezekiel 33) and to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 3).

Thank You for Your Partnership

I am grateful for each of you who are praying for our Watchman team and for those who partner with us financially. If you can help this month, please donate online at www.watchman.org/give. Your help is much needed and greatly appreciated. May our Lord richly bless you!

Yours in Christ,

Click here for James Walker Bio
James K. Walker, President
Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 310
Arlington, TX 76004 USA
[email protected]

1Shim Kyu-Seok, Moon Hee-Chul, “Shincheonji Church leader jailed on obstruction charges,” Korea JoongAng Daily, August, 2, 2020: uhop.me/CultSCJ.

About Watchman Fellowship: We are an evangelical Christian discernment ministry founded in 1979 focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, New Age spirituality, and world religions. We provide apologetics (a defense of the Christian faith) and evangelism (sharing the Christian gospel of Grace) to people of other faiths. We also equip tens of thousands of Christians each year to understand and reach people of other religions with the truth gospel. Watchman Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 c-3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the United States: IRS Tax ID number 58-1363278. For more information, see: http://www.watchman.org.


Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094 USA

Watchman Fellowship, PO Box 310, Arlington, TX, 76004, USA

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