PROFILE: Polytheism Vs Christianity -- Why Jesus Won! 🏅

Published: Tue, 11/07/23

Good afternoon ,

Here is your copy of our latest Profile on the worldview of Polytheism expressed historically in the gods and goddesses of Greco-Roman mythology and currently in the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism).
Watchman 4-page Profile on Polytheism
The “gods” of polytheism are by nature very different than the one true God of monotheistic Christianity. These gods are not uniquely deity nor can any one of them be a supreme being. They function more like very advanced humans with unique superpowers. 

At the birth of Christianity in the first century, Greek and Roman polytheism ruled much of the world oppressing the fledgling followers of Christ. Yet within just a few centuries, the message of Jesus Christ turned the tables. The gospel dominated the Roman Empire, circled the globe and Christianity became the world’s largest religion. Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon and the entire pantheon of gods supposedly on Mount Olympus were all dethroned. The Roman emperors also lost their status as gods. Instead, Jesus is Lord!

Why is polytheism as a worldview fatally flawed and doomed to collapse? Be sure to check out your enclosed Polytheism Profile for the full report. I hope it is a valuable resource helping you to be a Watchman (Ezekiel 33) and to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 3).

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Yours in Christ,

Click here for James Walker Bio
James K. Walker, President
Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 310
Arlington, TX 76004 USA
[email protected]


About Watchman Fellowship: We are an evangelical Christian discernment ministry founded in 1979 focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, New Age spirituality, and world religions. We provide apologetics (a defense of the Christian faith) and evangelism (sharing the Christian gospel of Grace) to people of other faiths. We also equip tens of thousands of Christians each year to understand and reach people of other religions with the truth gospel. Watchman Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 c-3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the United States: IRS Tax ID number 58-1363278. For more information, see:


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PO Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094 USA

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