New Course from Watchman Fellowship!

Published: Fri, 01/19/24

Good afternoon ,

I am excited to announce a new course called "Conversations with the Faiths." This course will be hosted by the popular site Online Christian Courses. Early bird registration is now open; with a special 10% discount; just use code TS10 at checkout and you'll be all set! 
Conversations with the Faiths

When Jesus commanded His followers to “love your neighbor as yourself,” did He only mean our Christian neighbors? That wouldn’t make much sense in light of the parable of the Good Samaritan, now would it? You see, as Christ followers, we’re called to love everyone, including those who don’t share the same beliefs as us. But how can Christians today go about sharing the truth with people of other “faiths”? 

No one ever said that fulfilling the Great Commission would be easy! But we’ve got a course that will make it just a little easier. It’s a brand-new year and we want you to jump start it by enrolling in ‘Conversations with the Faiths.’ Join our very own senior apologist Dr. Brady Blevins, as he guides you through the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of witnessing to Muslims, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. This 21-Lesson course will equip you to share the Gospel effectively while also giving you the inside scoop on what it is that each of these religious groups actually believe. 

Dr. Blevins is dedicated to helping disciple-makers like YOU become more confident in engaging non-Christians with the Gospel. When you sign up for the PREMIUM course, you’ll get to interact with Dr. Blevins in 5 Live Q&A Zoom sessions. It all starts on February 5th, so sign up TODAY and take advantage of the Early Bird special by using the coupon code TS10 at check out and you’ll receive 10% OFF!

Yours in Christ,

Click here for James Walker Bio
James K. Walker, President
Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 310
Arlington, TX 76004 USA
[email protected]
817-277-0023 ext. 101

About Watchman Fellowship: We are an evangelical Christian discernment ministry founded in 1979 focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, New Age spirituality, and world religions. We provide apologetics (a defense of the Christian faith) and evangelism (sharing the Christian gospel of Grace) to people of other faiths. We also equip tens of thousands of Christians each year to understand and reach people of other religions with the truth gospel. Watchman Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 c-3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in the United States: IRS Tax ID number 58-1363278. For more information, see:


Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094 USA

Watchman Fellowship, PO Box 310, Arlington, TX, 76004, USA

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