an incredible opportunity just came to us

Published: Fri, 12/07/12

Hello ,

In preparing for my upcoming trip to the island-nation that sits "90 miles south of Miami", I received a moving email from one of their national church leaders. It mentions an opportunity to plant a house church on a property where (ask here to find out: [email protected] ). Because of the sensitive nature, I can only divulge this information in emails sent to one person. 

The property will be held by the local church and overseen by the national church. This project is only $6,000. Cindee and I are going to give $1,000 to this project, and we're looking for several churches and / or individuals to come alongside and help us reach the people of that nation through this church plant. Would you prayerfully consider helping us? We need the funds before the end of this year so that we can inform the national church that we can stand with them and plant this very much needed church. When you discover where this property is, you will see that this is a door that only God can open.

Bless you!
