Picture to Ponder - Vol 4 - issue 42: Art and Beauty in the Unexpected - Vidalia Layer 6

Published: Wed, 11/12/08

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
November 12, 2008
Volume 4 - Issue 42

vidalia onion with opened peel

Vidalia onion with peeled stem

Vidalia onion - remaining onion nestled agains portion of the peeled layer

IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v4-issue42.html

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Vidalia onion, with focus on the stem - Top photo is the stem of the layer of the onion just peeled, still attached to the main stem. I like the cheerful, playful feeling of this image.

The middle photo shows the completion of the peeling of that layer, both stem and onion layer five. I'm drawn in by the thinness of the stem peel with the rest of the layer.

For the lower photo, I placed what remained of the onion, nestling it against half of the layer just peeled away. I include this image because of the feeling of love and contentment it exudes.

The Story -
In the last issue of Picture to Ponder, I featured photos of this Vidalia onion with the patterns of spores that had formed under the fine skin. In that issue, after going into the whole history of this particular Vidalia onion, I committed to continuing to photograph the process and post on the Photography and Transformation blog. It was not my intention to continue the story in any other issues of Picture to Ponder.

Then I got really excited when I discovered that the stem also has layers. They are actually an integral part of each of the layers of the onion. Wow. What a revelation! (Tongue in cheek here.) So I began to include the peeling of the stem as part of the process and documentation.

I found myself enjoying the art of what was developing. In the second photo on the blog post Art in the Dance of the Vidalia Onion Stem Layers , it felt like the layers of the stem were dancing.

Given the intrigue, to me, as well as the continuing beauty of the onion as it was being revealed, I wanted to be sure that you, too, had the opportunity to experince this. Thus I am featuring this Vidalia, one more time, in Picture to Ponder.

Note - My curiosity had me check my refrigerator (onions kept there don't generate tears when peeled) to see what stems on other onions look like. "Why hadn't I paid attention to them in previous peelings?"
It appears, on others that I currently have, that the stems have been almost completely cut off before purchasing.

So I went a little further and did some "Googling." I found one site commented that onion stems are short. Now I wonder if that varies with the Vidalia. I did a couple of more searches and decided I need to finish here, with no more distractions.

One last comment, though, on the stem of our featured Vidalia onion. If you check out the blog and go to earlier posts, you can see in the first photos that the stem was almost folded in half. As I peeled away the layers it became erect.

I wonder, again, "Is there a message there that we can take into and relate to our own lives?"

Today's Self-Reflecting Queries
Today, I invite you to look into your life to see:

1. Are there portions of your life, or yourself, which you have been ignoring, not paying any attention to, either in physical appearance or inner aspects? If you see something, spend some time with it, perhaps even in writing.

Pay attention. What great things can you uncover about yourself as you peel away what you just found?

2. Now do the same exercise with someone else, or something, important in your life. Similar to last week's question, is something you have consciously been ignoring, something which may have importance simply because you've made a judgment on appearance.

Or, perhaps more importantly, with observation, can you find something you've never noticed before about the person or situation?

3. Lastly, is there a place in your life where you'd like to be standing more erect, figuratively or in actuality? If so, what will it take to switch your "posture."

As always, have fun with these queries and this week also remember to look for something in what you discover that brings a smile to your face!

Onion Story for Subscribers
An explanation for those of you new to Picture to Ponder - My onion peeling started with a Red Onion and "Peeling the Layers of a Red Onion, Analogous to Peeling Away the Layers of Ourselves."

If you have not already done so, you may download this gift for subscribers at Onion Story 1. If you are passing this on to a friend, or you are not already a subscriber to Picture to Ponder please use Onion Story for Friends to receive your copy.
Reader's Comments are welcome.
Please post them on the Photography and Transformation blog and be sure to read the other comments also.

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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