Picture to Ponder - Vol 4 - Issue 46: Birthday Celebration with Bougainvillea

Published: Wed, 12/10/08

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
December 10, 2008
Volume 4 - Issue 46

Castera rose on a pillow
Celebrate our Birthday with us. Gift yourself, or a loved one, with a pillow, clock, tile, mug, or one of our many other gift items enhanced with a Picture to Ponder Photograph. Go to Nature Art Gift Shop (first link on that page is by photo category, others are by product)

Happy 4th Birthday Picture to Ponder
and subscribers.
Special thanks to those of you have been with us since
Issue 1 - December 9, 2004. Click on the link to see what my mission was. I think you'll agree that together we've been
fulfilling on it. Much delight and joy to all as we enter our 5th Year!

bougainvillea lips

bougainvillea - several

IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v4-issue46.html

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Bougainvillea from a bush outside our community in Boynton Beach, FL

In the upper photo the flower on the right looks like "lips" to me. Thus, I thought the picture would be great for sending kisses to us all as we celebrate Picture to Ponder's birthday.

The lower photo shows the full range of colors and the subtle differences that attracted me.

The Story
The other night I was driving into the community where I live and from a distance the large plant in the front of a center island caught my eye. It looked to be a plant with multi-colored leaves. See photo 3 to view a fuller expanse of the leaves and flowers. "Fascinating," thought ,I and, of course, I pulled in front of it and parked so that my camera and I could investigate. (Note - Photo 3 was taken in morning light. Thus a different feeling to it.)

What I thought were different kinds of leaves turned out to be the flowers colored by the many stages of their life cycle, from beginning to their "death."

I had been pondering, off and on, for a couple of days as to what photos I might have, or would show up, to honor our Picture to Ponder birthday. Then the noticing of this bush showed up, offering both pictures and a theme.

The flowers in today's featured bougainvillea represent, to me, the beauty of all the stages of our lives. The parts of the flower that are dying off are soft and lovely and, seemingly for a while, stay and show off their full range of beauty within each petal, rather than suddenly "dying off," which seems to happen with many plants.

It therefore became fitting to use these photos for this issue to acknowledge all the pieces of our growth. The presentation of Picture to Ponder has mellowed and changed somewhat during these past four years and yet the parts remain an integral part of us.

EZezine, the publisher we used until recently, kindly still holds the ARCHIVES for people to visit at any time. (Though please do not use their subscribe or unsubscribe buttons. They do not link to our current publisher and list. If you are a visitor, use SUBSCRIBE at the end of this issue)

All Picture to Ponder issues can also be accessed by following the links at the bottom of any issue in the eteletours.com site or by simply changing the numbers in the URL. See this issue, as an example, http://www.eteletours.com/v4-issue46.html or Issue 1 mentioned to at the top of this page.

Today's Self-Reflecting Queries
So how does this all relate to us and our Self-Reflecting Queries? For me, it brings to mind many of the different facets of ourselves. Therefore, I invite you to look into your life and query,

"Are there pieces of me, in current or past experiences, that I have "cast off", dismissed as dead and gone, perhaps useless?"

If "yes", I invite you to take some time to reflect, see how they contributed to who you are today, to the beauty of you and the fabric of your life AND then CELEBRATRE ALL of YOU!

Coming to you with love and appreciation. Happy LifeDay, LifeYear.

Reader's Comments are welcome.
To post them on the Photography and Transformation blog click on the small word "Comment" at the end of the post. A window will open, asking for your name, email address that will NOT be published, a URL if you have - Your name will be linked to that - and box with space for you to "Leave a Reply."

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

Additional Subscribers Desired
If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please forward this issue or another and share your experiences of it with your friends and colleagues. Suggest that they, too, SUBSCRIBE. Special thanks to those of you who have been speaking about the difference Picture to Ponder makes for you.

Guests - If this issue has been passed on to you by a friend, we invite you also to take advantage of a no-cost subscription. Simply click on SUBSCRIBE. You can learn more about Picture to Ponder on our INTRO page.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-08 Sheila Finkelstein

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http://home.ezezine.com/74_3/ - Picture to Ponder Archives

©2004 - 2008 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila