Picture to Ponder - Vol 4 - Issue 48: Sunset and Sunrise Spread Holiday Light

Published: Tue, 12/23/08

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
December 23, 2008
Volume 4 - Issue 48

Green Cay Sunset - like Waterfalls

sunrise in Wakodahatchee first day after solstice

Wakodahatchee sunrise scene

IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v4-issue48.html

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Sunset and Sunrise in Wakodahtachee Wetlands

The top photo was taken at sunset. As I looked at the screen, after I snapped the first picture, it looked to me like the sun was setting behind a ski slope. In Sunset Rays you can see the rays of the sun coming through behind thick layers of clouds.

The bottom two photos are of a sunrise at Wakodahatchee Wetlands. In the first of the two, I especially appreciate the full opening up, fanning out, of the light of the sun.

I include the lower of the two sunrises to gift the feeling of serenity and warmth, particularly to those of you around the country and the world experiencing the harshness of winter's cold and raging snowfalls.

The Story
There is definitely not a long "story" today.

Simply, as I continued to look for the "right" photos, I reminded myself to be easy on me and go with what I had mentally bookmarked, a couple of weeks ago, to feature in Picture to Ponder, the sunset that reminded me of photos of ski slopes.

Today's Self-Reflecting Queries
In invite you to look into your life. Are there recurring areas where you continue to spend a lot of time and belabor doing "THE RIGHT thing", making "THE RIGHT choice"?

For me it is, of course, far more than selecting photos for Picture to Ponder. This week a lot of energy went on "THE RIGHT gift" and "THE RIGHT amounts of money" on a gift cards. A friend of mine reminded me that more important is the consideration for the person, rather than the gift itself, that is important. At other times, it's "the RIGHT thing" to wear, "the RIGHT thing" to eat and much more. I'm sure that you can add to the list from your own life.

If any of this fits for you, I invite you to take one thing on which you are currently dwelling and simply choose, letting the chatter go. If there is nothing that occurs right now, as you read, I invite you to take note of any thing that might pop up during the next few days. Choose to simplify and release the angst of choosing at least one "RIGHT" thing.

Remember to have fun with this.

To All, who are celeberating a holiday in the next few days, may it be a joyful, happy one, filled with peace and love. May each and everyone have days filled with the latter.

Whether or not you are celebrating a holiday, please remember to celebrate yourself. Love to all.


Special Offers - Must See's - A reminder from our last issue of Picture to Ponder:

Debbie Friedman, Cleaning out the Closet of Your Mind, in her Share the Freedom movement Program is offering her Gaining Freedom From Fear, relaxation and transformation audio as a GIFT to as many people as possible, "everyone everywhere so that each individual can take their power back and live the life they love to live."

Click on SHARE THE FREEDOM Movement for more information and to get your gift Freedom from Fear audio.


ARTELLA, one of the most creative sites, I know is offering 55% off of both memberships and Gift Certificates. They have a wonderful variety of special gifts from artists and crafts people on this site. See ARTELLA GIFTS.

Also, if you missed it three issues ago, ARTELLA is gifting you complimentary ebooks, including ExerSIGHS: A Self-Esteem Workbook for Writers and Artists

Another that I've also downloaded and am still looking forward to reading is
MoneyMorphosis: Ten Things Butterflies Can Teach Us About Money. The description states that it invites us to transform the way we think about money by following 10 metaphorical fables in which butterflies teach us about true prosperity.


LIVE FABULOUS NOW is a program in which I am currently enrolled and participating with Sandy Grason who usually charges a substantial fee for her coaching and courses. She is doing a very special, relatively inexpensive, transformative five week program all about how to Live Fabulous Now, being all you can be right now! Being authentic and living full out as we enter the New Year 2009.

Though the class has already started, you can still catch up with the MP3s. There are no classes this week, so getting up to date will be easier. I'm already feeling the impact in how I'm managing my tasks and staying more focused on my priorities. Sandy is giving us small easy to use tools in many areas of our lives.

Delightfully high in energy Sandy also emphasizes intentional CELEBRATION, something that will be a major breakthrough for me. For more information and to enroll, LIVE FABULOUS NOW


For the Artists among you - smARTist 2009 telesummit is coming up in January. This is the third year I will be attending and I am excited. You can listen to the recording of the panel of 11 experts sharing some of what they will be speaking about. There is also a recording of Ariane Goodwin interviewing Allyson Stanfield on the 10 Qualities needed to promote your art as well as market it. You can also register to hear Mari Smith speak on how to use Facebook to "ramp up your art career". Go to PRE-EVENTS.

Reader's Comments are welcome.
To post them on the Photography and Transformation blog click on the small word "Comment" at the end of the post. A window will open, asking for your name, email address that will NOT be published, a URL if you have - Your name will be linked to that - and box with space for you to "Leave a Reply."

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

Additional Subscribers Desired
If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please forward this issue or another and share your experiences of it with your friends and colleagues. Suggest that they, too, SUBSCRIBE. Special thanks to those of you who have been speaking about the difference Picture to Ponder makes for you.

Guests - If this issue has been passed on to you by a friend, we invite you also to take advantage of a no-cost subscription. Simply click on SUBSCRIBE. You can learn more about Picture to Ponder on our INTRO page.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-08 Sheila Finkelstein

http://www.photographyandtransformation.com - blog
http://www.cafepress.com/natureart - gift shop
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©2004 - 2008 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila