Picture to Ponder - Vol 4 - Issue 36: Vegetables for Celebration and Memories

Published: Tue, 09/30/08

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
September 30, 2008
Volume 4 - Number 36

Given I have been traveling, this issue was set up in advance. It is a repeat of an issue published two years ago, as I prepared for our Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashana.

This year the scheduled delivery time for Picture to Ponder is on the First Day of Rosh Hashana. Since I am celebrating the Holiday with my son and family in Georgia, after a week in Arizona, it seemed appropriate to once again share these images and experience with you. Two years ago, a few readers wrote that they could smell the soup cooking as they looked at the photos and read.

What visceral memories, if any, do these photos bring up for you?

celery in rinse water

celery, carrots and turnip
IMPORTANT: If this photo inspires writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue,

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Vegetables in a fruit and vegetable rinse, as they are being cleaned to be put in soup

The top photo is a close-up of celery leaves with a fragment of parsnip, noticeable in the upper right corner. When I was closing the not-so-much larger photo (see Soup Vegetables), I became further excited as I noticed the different shaped pools of water around the center.

Whereas the top photo was random, in that I took it the way the vegetables were, the bottom was quickly "arranged" for the camera. It includes bringing the carrots from the bottom to the top for color, the parsnip, and a turnip.

I was going to send you to another page to see the carrot photo, and it brought such a smile to my face as I was closing it, I decided to share it directly in the issue.

Self-Reflecting Queries

I was/am way behind, in preparing for Rosh Hashana, our Jewish New Year holiday. Lots of food to get ready and Picture to Ponder was not done. Nor did I even have a photo ready, or in mind. I considered passing on today's issue, but felt an obligation to those subscribers who faithfully look forward to it.

It occurred to me that I could take some photographs of vegetables as they sat in rinse water, being cleaned before going into other water to create the soup I had planned. I had the thoughts, "No, that would be forcing it. What could be inspirational or thought-provoking there? On the other hand, there will be water and bubbles (always intriguing to me)."

So I got the camera. In the process of being in the moment, I began to relax and some of the fatigue disappeared. I enjoyed my "playing." When I finished the preparation and the soup was simmering, I came to my computer to download the pictures.

I was delighted with what I saw in a few of the photos, the rhythm of the leaves, the contrasts with the water, and the play of light and shadows in the top photo, plus color in the bottom one.

I was also thrilled to have come up with another creative solution to a challenge. In addition, I've had the bonus of the wonderful aroma of the soup, coming from the kitchen, as I write.

How does this fit into your life and experience? If there is any place right now you are experiencing what feels like burdensome challenges, I invite you to step back and simply be with what's there.

Instead of "fighting" with obligations that feel like a burden, remember that if you take one step at a time you will get through it and possibly have miracles occur. Certainly you will experience the satisfaction of completion.

Thinking about my experience today, are there any actions you would like to take now?

L'Shano Tova, a Good Year, to all of you who are celebrating the Jewish New Year. Actually, Peace, Health to all!

Banana Art on Tiles in the Gift Shop

banana sky tile
Several different photo/drawings from different banana trees are on tiles in the Gift Shop. See Banana Art.
Reader's Comments are welcome.
Please post them on the Photography and Transformation blog and be sure to read the other comments also.

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

Additional Subscribers Desired
If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please forward this issue or another and share your experiences of it with your friends and colleagues. suggest that they too SUBSCRIBE.

Special thanks to those of you who have been speaking about the difference Picture to Ponder makes for you.

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© 2006 - 2008 Sheila Finkelstein
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©2005 - 2006 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyright and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila