Picture to Ponder - Vol 4 - Issue 38: Cactus, Rocks and Connections

Published: Thu, 10/16/08

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
October 15, 2008
Volume 4 - Issue 38

***ATTENTION*** Southeast Florida Subscribers and Friends who live here *** a One-Day , On-Site Workshop facilitated by Sheila - Through and From the Lens: Using Photography as Access to Transformation - Possibilities and Out-of-the-Box Thinking - Saturday, October 25th - 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM in Pompano Beach, FL - see WORKSHOP for details and to register.

Pink Cactus in Boyce Arboretum

Lindy Erwell photographing at Boyce Arboretum
Sheila on Rocks - photo by Lindy
IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v4-issue38.html

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Top photo is Red Prickly Pear Cactus in the Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Superior, Arizona, between Scottsdale and Phoenix

In the bottom left picture is Lindy Erwell photographing me as I (in the right photo) aim my camera at her

As I poured through my almost 500 photos from Boyce, for some reason the top photo, with its pinks, contrasts and shadows begged to be the featured photo for the day. So I followed that "little voice."

In the meantime, since similar cactus plants seemed to be almost everywhere in Arizona, I realized that you would not get a sense of the Boyce Arboretum from this photograph. I, thus, selected the bottom two photos to give you some visuals of the environment and our hike.

The Story
Ordinarily when I am on outings, my camera and I are intent on the elements of Structure and Nature as we meander through wherever we are. On this particular day I became totally captivated with the different postures Lindy assumed as she photographed whatever she was intent on capturing with her camera. Starting with her lying flat on the ground to photograph a grasshopper, as close up as she could, I took many photos with her as subject. (See the start of my Arizona Set on FlickR for a few of the others.)

I was enthralled with the rhythm and the flow of the lines of her body and the ease with which she assumed the postures necessary to fulfill on her intentions. The featured photo of her, I think, gives a sense of that.

Aside from being the "candid camera" subject of so many of my photos, Lindy also volunteered her arm for support for me as I went down many of the rocky paths. She even offered, and managed, to add my camera bag and water bottle to her slim shoulders. I agreed with some reluctance. See LINDY with camera bags.

One of the most exciting aspects of the outing with Shellie, my hostess, and Lindy is that I "met" Lindy when she was a participant in one of my Through and From the Lens Teleclasses, more than two years ago. We have maintained occasional email contact since, mainly as a result of her having become a periodic commenter to various issues of Picture to Ponder. Knowing that she lives in Scottsdale, when I planned my visit, I contacted her, in advance, to see if we could get together.

After our day together, we both shared our delight on the "connections" made through the course and how it seems like we've known each other forever.

Although it's been some time since Lindy has updated her photos on FlickR, you can see many that she took during the four weeks of our course on Lindy's FlickR Photos.

Reminder - Through and From the Lens is being offered in-person for the first time in South Florida on Saturday, October 25th. "Connections" are one of the bonuses of the course. See Saturday Workshop It will be resumed as a teleclass series starting in November. To be on the list for more details for these classes, fill in your name and time preference on the form on the blog.

Today's Self-Reflecting Queries
As I think, and write about, my experiences with Lindy, her support during the climbing up and down over rocks at Boyce Arboretum becomes a prime part of my experience and memory.

Today, I invite you to look into your life to see:

1. Are there areas in your life where there are people who want to be helping you and supporting you and you, in your need to be "strong" and "independent," are either ignoring or outright rejecting their offers?

If so, I invite you to open yourself up to the contribution being offered and see what opens up for both parties. Keep in mind how much you, presumably, enjoy helping others.

2. Are there people in your life with whom you've had some connection, would like to have more and, for whatever reason, you haven't taken that first step?

Again, if "yes", I invite you to reach out, have some fun and see what opens up for you.

Lastly, and in a different conversation, re:
The RED ONION STORY: Peeling Away the Layers - Have you claimed your copy yet? Photos and text document an eleven-day process. For this LIMITED TIME gift for Picture to Ponder subscribers go to ONION STORY #1

Reader's Comments are welcome.
Please post them on the Photography and Transformation blog and be sure to read the other comments also.

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

Additional Subscribers Desired
If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please forward this issue or another and share your experiences of it with your friends and colleagues. Suggest that they, too, SUBSCRIBE. Special thanks to those of you who have been speaking about the difference Picture to Ponder makes for you.
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photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-08 Sheila Finkelstein
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©2004 - 2008 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila