Picture to Ponder - Vol 5 - Issue 13: Contrasts - Dendrobium and Rusty Structure

Published: Wed, 04/15/09

If you cannot see this issue it is available online in the ARCHIVES
picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
April 15, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 13

*** Three Opportunities for Expanding Vison ***
Details and links below

1 - "Cultivating a Sense of Awe and Wonder" - a call with Julie Gabrielli, environmental architect, Sarah Slobada, Photographer, and me, Sheila Finkelstein - Friday, 4/17 at 2:00 PM EDT

2 - Expanded Seeing - "Details as part of the whole beautiful picture" - Award-winning photographer, Joe Gemignani in Interview Call with Sheila - Monday, 4/20 at 1:30 PM EDT

3 - New Ways for Viewing and Interpreting your worlds -
Through and From the Lens Teleclass Series - 4 Weeks - 4 Sessions - Starts on Monday, 4/27 day or Wednesday, 4/29 night

bottom of a lampost

pink dendrobium orchid

IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v5-issue13.html

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
The upper photo - Nighttime photo of the bottom of a rusty lamppost in a parking lot

The lower photo- A Dendrobium Orchid from the American Orchid Society gardens.

Once again, a seemingly odd combination of photos and both kept cropping up on my computer monitor as I was looking for photos for another project. So here they are.

The Story
As I was leaving an art opening, a couple of weeks ago, the rusty lamppost caught my attention. In part, I'm sure, it was more noticeable to me because that night in the show, I had been particularly attracted to paintings, collages and sculptures in the show that were predominately earth tones.

In addition, I think a little of my "competitive" spirit also kicked in. A couple of days before, Joe Gemignani, our interviewee on April 20th, had posted on Facebook the shadow photo (shown on my "Invitation to the Call" page) . He did not describe the photo and I was still puzzling over parts of it a couple of days later. Thus, as I photographed the lamppost, I think I became intent on zooming in myself for some "mystery" photos.

As I was viewing the lamppost photo today, I thought, "What a great writing prompt, it would be." A very strong, bold photo... is that an "eye." If so, what might it be revealing, or hiding? If you are so moved, I invite you to write from it.

On the other hand, in contrast to the boldness of the top image, the orchid photo is one of quiet, simplicity and beauty. It also embodies the full cycle of life, with a open flowers, a bud and a flower that's past its prime.

As the photos today are examples of contrasts, so are the programs being offered, those to which I am referring in today's Picture to Ponder. All three are related to "seeing" in different ways.

Each of us who will be on the calls have slightly different approaches in the way we view our worlds AND we each have developed the confidence and self-belief to stand for our passions, expressing them in different ways.

It is my intent with these calls, and with the Through and From the Lens telecourse series to offer you opportunities for expanded access to discovering and living in your own voice.

Today's Self-Reflecting Queries

Given I've been writing about "Contrasts," I invite you to look into your life and your behaviors.

When you come across
situations or people that are opposites, do you choose one over the other, or can you find ways to make them both work? Or, do you simply withdraw?

In addition, are there places in your life now, where you could be taking some bold actions and you are holding back? If so, I invite you to take a least one bold action this week.

As, always, remember to bring fun into the queries and actions.

Expanding Vision Opportunities

1 - anhinga - wonder and awe A preview of YOUR ECO-BLUE PRINT teleclass series Julie will be leading in May, get Information on the f*r*e*e call on "Cultivating a Sense of Awe and Wonder" Friday, 4/17 at 2:00 PM EDT- See FRIDAY'S CALL. Register to get the Recording if you cannot be on the call.

2 - Joe Gemignani - wall shadowExpanded Seeing - Details take on a new meaning - Interview with Award-Winning Photographer, Joe Gemignani, on Monday, 4/20 at 1:30 PM EDT See MONDAY'S CALL for examples of Joe's work and to register f*r*ee to call in and/or get the MP3 recording of it.

3 -
reflected little blue heronExperience Life through the Lens of Your Inner Artist

We all have an artist within. You may agree with this or be skeptical. In either case, THROUGH AND FROM THE LENS teleclasses could be for you. Through the use of your camera, group interaction with participants and some suggested writing, classes provide the opportunity for you to start seeing your worlds, both inner and outer, in new and different ways, leading to increased creativity, self-confidence and much more.

Classes take place on a telephone conference call line and by email in a 4 week series - Your choice days - Mondays at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM EDT, starting April 27th or nights - Wednesdays from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT, starting April 29th - (See WORLD TIME to match the times in your geographic location)

$30 savings for Picture to Ponder Subscribers. Read FULL description, details, bonuses, testimonials and more on APRIL CLASSES.

Reader's Comments are welcome.
To post them on the Photography and Transformation blog click on the small word "Comment" at the end of the post. A window will open, asking for your name, email address that will NOT be published, a URL if you have - Your name will be linked to that - and a box with space for you to "Leave a Reply" will be there to type in your response. Then remember to click on "Submit."

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

Additional Subscribers Desired
If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please forward this issue or another and share your experiences of it with your friends and colleagues. Suggest that they, too, SUBSCRIBE. Special thanks to those of you who have been speaking about the difference Picture to Ponder makes for you.

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photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein

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©2004 - 2009 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila