Picture to Ponder - Vol 5 - Issue 2: Inner Person Discovered in a Wood Knot

Published: Thu, 01/22/09

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
January 22, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 2

lady in wood knot - full knot

lady in tree in wood know

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Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Lady in a Wood Knot in a tree along a sidewalk in Key West, FL

The upper photo shows the image in the wood knot; the lower, a close-up of the woman I saw, with her full face looking to the side, a bow in her hair, a chemise, with white v-neck insert, and bare arms.

The Story
I had forgotten that I featured wood in the last issue of Picture to Ponder when I decided to use today's image as the featured photo(s). Returning from a cruise last week, I am still catching up, so I'll not "worry" about "duplication" though the images are quite different. Last week's tree trunk was the "whole", or the external parts that were significant. In this week's photo, it's the internal segment that's most important.

Not surprisingly, for those of you who know me, one of the highlights for me of the whole trip was the discovery of the woman in the tree above. "She" caught my eye as I was walking down one of the the streets in Key West after seeing an exciting show of Seward Johnson's ICONS OF HISTORY at the Key West Art and Historical Society’s Custom House Museum.

I tell you about the exhibit because I'm thinking that, in part, I might have been even more open to immediately seeing the woman in the wood knot, possibly having been influenced by the art with which I had just spent some time.

I was already familiar with Seward Johnson's work from the Grounds for Sculpture in Trenton, NJ and found some of the work here in the Key West show even more intriguing. Perhaps because some of it was more contemporary. Johnson replicates famous paintings and photographs, creating them into life-size sculptures which include the environments that are in the paintings. (Click on the Grounds for Sculpture link above to see some examples. To fully appreciate the scope of the sizes of the pieces be sure to read the small print describing the dimensions.)

I will get some photos up from the Key West exhibit and share them next week, probably on my FlickR site.

Today's Self-Reflecting Queries
1. Given the discovery of the "hidden" woman, it seems fitting to invite you to take a few minutes to explore the, possibly "hidden," parts of you within, both the masculine and the feminine. Are they trying to tell you something?

2. I invite you to take a moment or two to reflect on and honor what most excites you in your life. Perhaps there is an action or two you might like to take. For me it's making discoveries and then sharing them with others.

I found it interesting that at breakfast a few days after our trolley car return to the boarding area of the ship, two of the women sitting behind me then remembered me and the photos I had excitedly shared.

3. Are you aware of what you would like people to think after first meeting you? I invite you to consider a past encounter or two and reflect on what you think perceptions of you might have been. Are they aligned with how you would like to be perceived?

4. Lastly, for what is it that you would like most to be known?

As always have fun with this, and why not share in the COMMENTS section following this post on the blog.

Upcoming Programs

Speaking of reflecting on inner selves and outer selves, my dear friend Adela Rubio is launching the Self Care Mastery Revolution teleseminar series featuring 15 experts over a 15 week period. You can claim your spot now in this f*r*e*e* program - See SELF-CARE - or watch for further details from me in a mailing tomorrow.

Reader's Comments are welcome.
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If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-08 Sheila Finkelstein

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