Picture to Ponder - Vol 5 - Issue 16 - One Rock: Many Faces

Published: Thu, 05/07/09

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picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
May 7, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 16

Rock with many faces from from Hollywood Beach, Fl

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one Beach Rock with many Faces photographed on three different backgrounds

I was on a call today when Amethyst Wyldfyre offered to do some healing/releasing work with me around my business and my beloved husband Sam, who died almost one and a half years ago. (See Amethyst for "Exploring the World through the Eyes of the Shaman")

As part of the process, she asked me to pick up a rock or other natural object. The above rock, which fit comfortably in my hand, is the one that called to me from a basket of rocks with faces that I collected years ago on Hollywood Beach in Florida.

In studying it later, totally independent of the exercise with Amethyst, I started noticing several faces. Given I write about "faces" a lot here in Picture to Ponder and we've been discussing them in the Through and From the Lens telecourse, I decided to feature it today.

I first photographed it on black poster paper. That seemed "too stark." So, given the stone is an object of Nature I took it outside to photograph, first in the grass and then saw a portion of my landscape that is somewhat sandy. Since the rock was from the beach, I thought this would be a fitting background.

Then, given this week we are talking about color in the Through and From the Lens telecourse and observing the seeming change of the same color on different backgrounds, I decided to put all three together as one unit for you.

The above photos offer opportunities for several different queries:

1 - Do you see faces in the rock? How many? Do they vary in changed backgrounds?

2 - Moving from that, I invite you to consider yourself. Do you have a multitude of faces that you put forth in varied situations?
Are you aware of them? Do you have control?

Years back when I was working in outside sales, two different prospects asked me, "Why are you angry?" I was confused. I wasn't angry. 

In an NLP workshop later that week I mentioned it to the leader. She pointed out that my face contorted somewhat as I went deep in thought. Not knowing how to interpret this, an onlooker might easily see it as "anger."

Thus, should someone make a comment to you at some point, stating something that doesn't seem to fit for you, I invite you to remember this example and ask them what they see on your face.

3 - Moving on to a totally different conversation from today's photographs - Which of one of the three presentations most appeals to you - may not appeal - but causes some kind of reaction? Is it the environment in which they are placed? Does that change the feeling coming from the rock? Do you see the color changes?

4 - From the above, I again invite you to look into your life, and pull out a thing or a person with which or whom you have a challenge. What if you put them in a different context/"environment"? Do you notice a shift?

As always, I invite you to have fun with the photos and the queries. If you would like to see the face/faces on the reverse side of the rock, email me and I'll put up a page with other views.

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photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein

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