Picture to Ponder - Radio Interview and June Creativity Expansion

Published: Sun, 05/17/09

If you cannot see this issue it is available online in the ARCHIVES
picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
May 17, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 17b

Photograph for this issue is below -

Expand your Vision - Explode your Creativity
Use your Camera to Enrich and Enhance

Your Summer Experiences
Seeing Things You Might Otherwise Totally Miss

Dear ,

I am sending this special issue for two reasons:

1 - to make certain you still have time to put the following on your calendar. This upcoming Wednesday, May 20th, from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM US Eastern time. I will be interviewed, from London, by Lynn Serafin, on her Blog Talk Radio Show. Among other topics, I will be sharing tips for using the camera as a tool for personal transformational, through which you learn to see the world with new and different eyes.

We will also be discussing getting in touch with your "inner artist, one whom you may have yet to recognize and acknowledge. If you wish Blog Talk Radio will remind you of the call. Or you can bookmark Lynn's PAGE and go back to it at some point after the call to listen to or download the call.

2 - AND, to make certain you have time to check out the June Through and From the Lens Telecourse. It had been my intention to resume the classes in the Fall.

As I got caught up in the excitement of the current participants and saw the breakthroughs they were having in their lives finding new views and experiences using their digital cameras, I realized I would be doing you a disservice if I did not give you the same opportunity to expand the depth and breadth of what you might see in the upcoming summer months - discovering new beauty in the ordinary, experiencing it as extraordinary.

I selected the following Tropical Water Lily flower photo to represent the possibilities of the course for the summer because of its lit-up center and the all-over reaching out of the petals.

tropical water lily in AOS Gardens
©2004 Sheila Finkelstein - Tropical Water Lily from the American Orchid Society Gardens

  • Light Up Your Summer with Photography
    You won't Believe is Yours
  • Nourish Your Soul
  • Appreciate, in new ways, the People You Meet

Check out JUNE TELECOURSE with Subscriber Discount for full course information and registration details. Also, please feel free to pass this on to your friends.

Comments from Current Course Participants:
Suzanne Holman (www.FamilyAlz.com. ) wrote: "I am loving revisiting creative photography with you and the group! I was concerned about becoming involved in another class right now ...and what I've found is that it is a wonderful dimension to add to my life right now with playing and creating."

Debbie Exner (www.exnerassociates.com) stated that she knew when she signed up she was very busy and she figured if she got two or three things out of the course, it would be worth it. She stated that this had already been achieved for her by the end of Session 2.

Many more testimonials and full description of course benefits can be found on the Special Subscriber - Through and From the Lens Telecourse Page.

Looking forward to answering your questions on the RADIO SHOW, by email, or in the Through and From the Lens: Expand Your Vision, Explode Your Creativity telecourse.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein

http://www.sheilafinkelstein.com - portal to it all

©2004 - 2009 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila