Using Photography to Expand Your Vision, Explode Your Creativity

Published: Wed, 06/03/09

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"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust 
Dear ,
I am sending this to all Picture to Ponder subscribers.  It is intended to reach those of you who are interested in expanding your own "seeing" eyes beyond what you customarily notice and expanding on what you may passively experience weekly in Picture to Ponder.
I have been out of town experiencing joyous family celebrations and I did not want you to miss out on the deadlines for the following.
June 8th starts the next experiential evening session of  Expand Your Vision - Explode Your Creativity - Through and From the Lens telecourse which opens participants up to much broader views and out-of-the box thinking and acting.  June 10th is the day session. The course includes interactive sessions with participants and provides abundant resources. It promises to impact all areas of your life in addition to expanding on the joyful fulfillmentof your upcoming summer experiences.

If any of the above promises resonate with you, I invite you to take advantage of the special savings for Picture to Ponder subscribers and open yourself up to expanding and nurturing reflections of yourself. See EXPAND YOUR VISON.
COMMENTS from participants in the April-May session:

"Lots of amazing ideas and so much information and stimulus." Rosemary Graham

"Learning to perceive more of what is right in front of me. Now I see the same things in new ways, making me more creative.

No longer do I assume objects can have one view. Everything is multi-dimensional." Marifran Korb,
"The simple act of picking up a camera and letting loose on something that has caught my eye is such a joyful experience. I feel connected, creative, in the moment, grateful and alive. Starting the day this way means that I can touch into those feeling all day long!" Julie Gabrielli,
More testimonials and information can be found on the information and registration page. Please check it out.  And, if you'd like to have a friend join you, you can pass on a friends' savings to them.  See - TFTL for Friends.
I look forward to connecting with many of you there.  Feel free to email me, if you have any questions.
 Inspirationally yours,
 Sheila Finkelstein