Life Cycles - Leaves, Flowers and Us - Picture to Ponder - Volume 5 - Issue 38

Published: Thu, 10/22/09

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picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
October 22, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 38

- NEW - 4-SessionTelecourse start Nov 9th or 11th
- Click on image above for details -

autumn leaves carpeting gravel in Syracuse, NY


Queen Anne's Lace dried out

Dear ,

I am excited. As you can see from the very top image, the header for the new Point and Shoot Photo Course for Moms, I am launching a new program. My earlier Photo/Creativity, then Through and From the Lens courses, will now be delivered under the umbrella of Point and Shoot Photo Courses. The material and philosophy is similar. Working with specific groups will further solidify the community experiences participants love, while enhancing learning and bonding with subject matter.

In terms of today's Picture to Ponder, for whatever reason, I felt the need to feature autumn one more time. Though the fall season stays with us until December 21st, the visual aspect of it will soon be gone. When I speak of the visual, I refer to the assumed colors of autumn.

Neither of today's featured photos is a "striking" photo. Yet each kept popping out at me as I was searching photo file folders. They did "seed" some interesting thoughts, turned queries, and compositionally the pictures do hold together.

The upper photo is of Fallen Autumn Leaves blanketing gravel at the edge of a parking lot in Syracuse, NY. Given the overall feeling of Nature, the gravel appears as if it could almost be blueberries. I like the array of colors, representing the full range of the life cycles of the leaves we see.

The lower photo is a close up of a dried up Queen Anne's Lace flower which, I discovered when I googled it to check spelling, is edible. Given that the developing theme today seems to be "Life Cycles", I especially like the circular shape of the full flower and those at the end of each of the "spokes" radiating out from the center.

Today's photos are rich with contrasts and also represent the cycles of our seasons... both in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, as well as our own life cycles... seen even in our individual projects and activities.

I invite you to consider the contrasts and cycles in your life. Are you able to easily be with the transitions? Or, are there challenges for you? Do you operate out of "being" with whatever stage you're in at the moment?

If the latter is difficult at times, have you developed "coping" mechanisms? Are you aware of what they are so you can "call them in" on demand, when needed?

If "coping," are you able to go beyond with "tools for transformation"?

Sometimes/oftentimes, it's helpful to simply remember that whatever space we are in at any point of time, it is part of a cycle.

As you ponder and query today, be sure to identify the parts of the cycle that give you the most pleasure, provide the most fun.

Two of my friends, Marifran Korb and Tomar Levine**, are among 36 other authors who have chapters in the "OVERCOMERS INC: True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration" book launched today, October 22nd.

Marifran and Tomar, having seen an advance copy say that it's great. I trust them and what I've read about the book. I love people's stories. If you do also, check it out at OVERCOMERS. If it is still the 22nd when you read this, there is time to take advantage of all the bonuses with purchase today.

** You also might be interested in checking out Tomar's Creativity Support Group forming, first session November 3rd.

Reader's Comments are welcome.
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If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue,


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©2004 - 2009 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila