Picture to Ponder - Vol 5 - Issue 30: Light and Energy - Ocean Sunrise

Published: Thu, 08/20/09

If you cannot see this issue it is available online in the ARCHIVES
picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
August 20, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 30

Banana Sky DVD disk cover thumbnail

BANANA SKY DVD - Now Available for purchase - "Everybody's eyes were riveted on the screen. This is a very, very unusual presentation...amazing. You'll never get tired of it." Ellen Britt in a Video Testimonial

Delray Beach GoldenSunrise

Delray Beach Ocean Golden sunrise spills onto ocean


Delray Beach golden sunrise bathes the shore

IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v5-issue30.html

Dear ,

My head and my body are still overflowing with the energy I experienced this past weekend at the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Seminar. Today's photos for me are an expression of that energy. I'm choosing to share some it and if you wish to skip over this section, you're welcome to simply jump to Today's Photos and Queries.

During the course of three and a half days, there was a never ending stream of ideas that I, and others, can, and did during the weekend, immediately start implementing in our businesses. Beyond that, I met a couple of people who were either themselves photography experts or connected with some other photographers whom I anticipate adding to the mix I make available to you.

I also had the opportunity to interact with people face-to-face whose courses I've taken, books I've read and much more. A special blessing for me was meeting and sharing a room with Adela Rubio, whom many of you may know from her programs which I've shared here.

Adela and I have been "virtual", Internet friends for over six years and this is the first time we've connected in the same physical space. She also gifted me with a wonderful energy session before we left. I'm sure this is adding to my general overall energy, feeling of accomplishment and focus. Thank you, Adela.

Two other extra-special people connections for me were interacting with Lynn Terry, a top Internet Affiliate Marketer who is knowledgable and generous, almost beyond belief. I've been participating in her Elite Forum, now accepting new members.

The other of the "extra-special two" connections was spending time with Ellen Britt whose calls I've been on and classes I've taken. The ultimate caveat for me was her response to her experience of BANANA SKY DVD and her agreeing to do a video testimonial. Awesome!

You can "meet" many of the course leaders and participants in my NAMS 2 Album I put up on FlickR. Several of the other Self-Starters Weekly Tips Elite Forum members also posted photos, if you'd care to see more - NAMS Workshop Pool.

Three golden sunrises at Delray Beach on an October morning.

As I was briefly looking through photos yesterday, these three were the ones that jumped out, immediately resonating with me. I'm seeing them as a representation of the energy of the NAMS weekend.

The top photo is the sunlight spreading upward and outward; the middle, coming down on us all; and the bottom photo, the reflected sun on beach, landing strong and solid as the waves come in, skip over it and ride out.

I've covered a wide gamut here, with a lot of words, and the photos themselves are so beautiful I invite you to scroll back up to spend another moment or two with them.

Allow the energy emanating from them to wash over you. Be open to the experience.

Should you wish to reflect and query, I invite you to ask yourself, "Where is the light and the power within me?" and, perhaps,

"Where, outside of me, do I find the light and energy that warms and sustains me?"

As always, remember to have fun with this.


Ellen Britt testimonial for Banana Sky DVD on YouTube
Ellen Britt lauds Banana Sky DVD: "Just looking at pictures of nature can have a calm soothing effect. For anyone who is undergoing any kind of stress/anxiety situations, this would just be a real gift."

LISTEN TO ELLEN, or go straight to the ORDER page for $4.00 savings until the end of August.

PS - One of the prime benefits of this DVD is that it works in any DVD player, including those for TVs. Thus those people without computer access, including those who might be bedridden or not computer literate can have benefit of the relaxing photography and music. And you, who may have "normal" tension, can have it playing in the background on your computer as you work.

Another major feature and benefit is that BANANA Sky DVD is set to run as an endless, repeating loop, offering ongoing respite for those who wish it. One person recuperating from surgery remarked, in a thank you note, that he loved sitting with his eyes closed listening to the music, seeing the imagery in front of his closed eyes.

In celebration, Jeannie and I are offering a $4.00 savings for purchases through the end of August. Again, as I mentioned earlier, you can see a one-minute preview by going to BANANA SKY DVD or go right to the ORDER PAGE.

To peace and beauty!

Reader's Comments are welcome.
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If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein

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©2004 - 2009 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila