Picture to Ponder - Vol. 5 - Issue 31: Standing Apart from the Crowd - Pansies

Published: Wed, 08/26/09

If you cannot see this issue it is available online in the ARCHIVES
picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
August 26, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 31

Banana Sky DVD for stress relief and easing tension - header for site
Click on above Image for Preview and Testimonials or Buy Now

pansies magenta colored from the Dallas Arboretum


pansies - yellow and violet from the Dallas Arboretum


yellow and violet pansies in Dallas Arboretum

IMPORTANT: If these photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v5-issue31.html

Dear ,

Excited with the re-launching of BANANA SKY DVD, I've been spending a lot of time on creating the "just right" web page to share the stress and anxiety relief benefits from the healing music and photography that makes up this video. As I've been working, I have been getting a lot of great feedback and support from the ELITE FORUM members in Lynn Self-Starters Weekly Tips Forum. I am deeply appreciative.

I am also on my own DAY 8 of a minimum of one-hour of work each day before opening any email, as recommended by Kathleen Gage in the recent Niche Affiliate Marketing System Seminar I attended. This was/is, for me, one of the both challenging and rewarding tips I got out of the weekend. A flash drive with all of the presentations, including Kathleen's from this conference, plus one earlier in the year, is available on a Flash Drive (coupon code 200aug14) for only $97 as long as the limited number of available copies last.

With my focus being so directed on the best way of sharing BANANA SKY DVD, I have not been out doing much photographing. It was therefore delightful yesterday to simply travel through folders on my computer for this issue of Picture to Ponder, doing a sit-down "discovery walk."

Today's photos brought a smile and a feeling of lightness and simple pleasure when I found them.

Pansies in the Dallas (Texas) Arboretum at the end of February.

I love the colors of the two pansies in the top photo and they have such a look of elegance.

The yellow and violet-colored pansies, in the middle photo, seem to be dancing freely and joyfully. The intensity of mid-day sunlight adds to the pleasure of the experience of this photo.

As I went back to the original size when saving the latter photo, I was drawn to the center of one of the flowers and decided to focus in and crop it. Suddenly it took on a stately and commanding presence, as if wanting our attention.

In the almost five years that I have been publishing Picture to Ponder, this is the first time I've featured pansies. One reason, undoubtedly, is that pansies are not quite as common here in Florida as they seemed to be in the Northeast United States, where most of my life was spent.

As pretty as they are when I paid attention to them, they somehow seemed to get "lost" in their surroundings, no one flower really standing out from another. Did the fact that they were so "common" have an impact also, or is it simply that I've only gotten much more active with my camera in recent years?

The point to my above comments leads into today's Self-Reflecting Queries. Once again, I invite you to look into your life.

Are there places where there are people, or objects, that are simply a part of a broad field for you and indistinct for their own attributes? Where you've simply been taking them for granted as background "noise", perhaps?

If you find any of the above fits, I invite you to step more closely into the field at which you were looking. Study the individual components. Then, is there one, or more, that now stands out and has a new presence, as the single yellow pansy in the bottom photo? Or perhaps, you'll find a pair, as in the top photo.

As always, remember to have fun with this.


Ellen Britt testimonial for Banana Sky DVD on YouTube
Ellen Britt lauds Banana Sky DVD: "Just looking at pictures of nature can have a calm soothing effect. For anyone who is undergoing any kind of stress/anxiety situations, this would just be a real gift."

LISTEN TO ELLEN, or go straight to the ORDER page for $4.00 savings until the end of September.

PS - One of the prime benefits of this DVD is that it works in any DVD player, including those for TVs. Thus those people without computer access, including those who might be bedridden or not computer literate can have benefit of the relaxing photography and music. And you, who may have "normal" tension, can have it playing in the background on your computer as you work.

Another major feature and benefit is that BANANA Sky DVD is set to run as an endless, repeating loop, offering ongoing respite for those who wish it. One person recuperating from surgery remarked, in a thank you note, that he loved sitting with his eyes closed listening to the music, seeing the imagery in front of his closed eyes.

In celebration, Jeannie and I are offering a $4.00 savings for purchases through the end of September. Again, as I mentioned earlier, you can see a one-minute preview by going to BANANA SKY DVD or go right to the ORDER PAGE.

To peace and beauty!

Reader's Comments are welcome.
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If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein

http://www.sheilafinkelstein.com - portal to it all

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©2004 - 2009 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila