Nature's Healing Power - Picture to Ponder - Volume 5 - Issue 35: Echinacea Photo/Drawings

Published: Tue, 09/22/09

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picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
September 22, 2009
Volume 5 - Issue 35

field of echinacea in photo drawing

mystical echinacea flowers - photo drawing

2 echinacea photo/drawings combined

Dear ,

are Photo/Drawings of Echinacea Flowers - the first being "field" of them, the other three being different views from the same garden.

"Photo/drawings" is a term I created when I first developed this process using my photographs, new scanner and a pen with permanent ink to draw directly on the photos. They were the content that made up my original nature web site - Nature's Playground stating,

"We believe that the world is a playground for personal growth and development; that natural environments - gardens, woods, beaches, rivers, streams - are sources for pleasure, creativity, play and self-discovery; that expanding sensory awareness of natural and man-made environments provides access to furthering creative thinking and appreciation."

In an empowering interview my friend Adela Rubio did with Dean Shrock, last week, on "Why Love Heals", he stated that "Nature is probably the purest form of love. Simply being out and appreciating natural beauty, we'll experience love. Nature literally realigns the molecules of your body in a more harmonious manner, so that the body simply works better." See for this quote and Adela's full summary of the call.

For me, I got a dramatic "Aha" - that this can be the strong foundation on which to stand as I move forward with my work. Certainly the healing power of nature is the crux of Banana Sky DVD!

Interestingly, today in my writing group** one of the quotes from which we wrote was "When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it is your world for the moment, " Georgia O'Keefe.

Responding to this prompt, Susan Jones, group member, wrote: "Flowers have one of the highest natural vibrations. That's why flower essences are so powerful, so healing. Georgia O'Keefe painted the effect of that vibration on her. An artist does not copy, she shares the soul of the moment. "

This seemed like such a synchronistic statement for my newfound "stand" that I asked Susan if I could quote her.

In searching for flowers to feature, I decided that the ones I would use here today would be flowers that most of us are likely to know as "healing" flowers. I, at least, always use "echinacea" in capsules or tea form when I feel a cold coming on. In addition, the center echinacea photo/drawing featured here was very much admired by a dinner guest this past weekend. A large poster-size format of it hangs on my patio.

(**Note: Susan and three others of us all first connected in one of Julie Jordan Scott's writing programs. For those open to it, Julie has a Writing Group starting tomorrow - Wednesday, September 23. See below. (My apologies. I gave the wrong date last week.)

For today, I invite you to look at the variations of the same subject, the Echinacea above, and make note of what stands out as differences for you. Then expand this observation into your own life.

Is there an issue, a challenge, or something which you really appreciate, where you might find empowering analogous differences by taking different points of view?

And, in a slightly different conversation, relating to my finding a position of strength I can claim for moving forward in my work, are you clear on the ground on which you are standing in your work? and then in your relationships - both personal and business?

Peace and fun.

Program for Writers, or Wanting-to-Be Writers
Tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/23 is the kick off day and the first of twelve sessions of my friend and mentor, Julie Jordan Scott's "Feminine Pen Writing Circle."

If you are a writer or an aspiring one I urge you to check our the above link. I doubt that I would be doing what I am today, if it weren't for all that I've experienced in courses with Julie and the community of wonderful women and writers that come together in her empowering space.

Reader's Comments
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If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue,


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© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein - portal to it all

©2004 - 2009 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila