Special Issue -Launch Today - Querying Distorted Self or Divine Self

Published: Tue, 04/20/10

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
April 20, 2010
Volume 6 - Special Issue

Dear ,

Tomorrow's Picture to Ponder featured photo will be a Monarch butterfly in his chrysalis, a beautiful and privileged view I had this weekend. If you're yearning for photographs now, I invite you to check out 8-year old Toby's Tulip Photos on our Blog.
For this issue, I invite you to consider and query on the following:

"Who is talking? My distorted self or my Divine Self?" This is a quote I now have on a sticky on my computer, a reminder when I'm confronted, sometimes bombarded, with negative self-talk and all those "shoulds" with which I constantly pepper myself. I've personalized the quote which I picked up from a Twitter Tweet, "Who sets the rules: Your distorted self or Your Divine Self?" from Patrick Ryan's AWAKENED WISDOM: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance book.

Today, I find myself "confronted" with an agreement I made to be part of a team promoting Patrick's book for purchase BEFORE MIDNIGHT to catapult it to #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list. As an incentive for people to buy today, 30 people have teamed together to offer a variety of bonuses, one of which is mine, "REFLECTIONS: Photos and Queries", an edited compilation from past Pictures to Ponder. The sole "benefit" for me is the satisfaction of having been part of a team and, presumably, gaining some new subscribers to Picture to Ponder.

The dilemma part of this for me is that part of my acceptance in being a JVP, "Joint Venture Partner", is the expectation that I would do a promotional mailing on the launch yesterday or today. And, I'm thinking it doesn't fit Picture to Ponder parameters and what I think you expect.

BOTTOM LINE - Especially sured with the certainty that many of our subscribers would most likely appreciate the book and bonuses, I am honoring MY agreement and passing on, pretty much unedited, the email that was sent to me with the request to pass it on.

Do note below, that in addition to the bonuses, Patrick is including, at no additional charge, a 2-session AWAKENED WISDOM Virtual Experience over the Internet (link takes you to description below).

Self-Reflecting Query - I invite you to look into your life. Is there any place, or places, where you might be hanging out with incompletions on promises you've made?

If so, I invite you to take an action even if it's simply to declare it complete for yourself.

Please continue on to read about Patrick and the book.

A Rare Chance to Learn from a World-Class Spiritual Teacher over the Web

Inspiration sign(Photo from the AWAKENED WISDOM Site)

The mind-body-spirit book market is saturated with books these days. It's undoubtedly one of the fastest growing branches of the publishing world. Most of us love to find a great book to inspire us, but how do you sift the wheat from the chaff with so many books from which to choose? Furthermore, how many of us buy books with the best of intentions for reading them, and then leave them on the shelf unopened for months or even years?

Well, today, TUESDAY, April 20th, you have a chance to buy a real gem. That's the day Patrick Ryan's book Awakened Wisdom: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Brilliance comes to Amazon. Patrick, a former Buddhist monk, and a world-renowned coach, workshop leader and spiritual teacher, has written this book based upon the teaching of his workshop of the same name, which he has been delivering all over the planet for years. In other words, the system in the book has been tried and tested (and greatly loved) by hundreds and hundreds of people.

Ok, so that takes care of how we know whether or not this book is worth checking out, but what about the other problem-- finding the time to read it and absorb it properly? In our hectic day-to-day living, it's just so hard to manage to sit down in a quiet place and READ, what to speak of absorbing rich, new information.

Well, here's where things get really fun. Patrick is offering an unprecedented 2-session "Awakened Wisdom Virtual Experience" over the Internet, where he will PERSONALLY guide you through the "8 States of an Awakened Life", which are the cornerstone of all his world-famous work. If you buy the book on the 20th, you'll receive it in plenty of time to follow along during the webcast, and get the very most out of your "virtual experience".

The Awakened Wisdom Virtual Experience will be on May 5-6, via webcast, and will be hosted by my friend and colleague Lynn Serafinn from Spirit Authors. She tells me that there will also be some opportunity to ask Patrick your questions about his teachings. You can attend either via the web or call in over the telephone. You can ask questions via either method, as there will be a way to post your questions online during the broadcast.

And if you can't make the live event, don't worry. The audio will be available for download BUT only to those who register for the VIP pass. In addition to the Virtual Experience, there are over 30 of us who are giving away some FABULOUS free spiritual gifts to you when you buy Patrick's book. As mentioned above, I'm giving away REFLECTIONS: Photos and Queries.

I do encourage you to go over to Awakened Wisdom Book Launch Page NOW and get the book so you can claim your VIP pass to the Awakened Wisdom Virtual Experience.

So there you go. A great book AND a way to help you learn what it has to offer as well. What a great gift from Patrick Ryan!

I hope to "see" you at the Awakened Wisdom Virtual Experience on May 5 - 6. I'll have purchased the book and will be tuning in for sure.


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© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein

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©2004 - 2010 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila