Picture to Ponder - Vol 6 - Issue 33 - Brilliant Orange Reflected Sunset and Less Words

Published: Thu, 08/19/10

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
August 19, 2010
Volume 6 - Issue 33

Hi ,

There's a lot going on in my life right now, as I'm sure there is in yours. Thus I'm simplifying today's issue with very few words.

A few years prior to my even starting Picture to Ponder, a mentor who saw my emerging photography said, "Sheila, something is telling me to tell you, 'Don't talk.'" I understood at the time and when I started Picture to Ponder there were few words. See "Intentions" in Issue 1 (Dec. 9, 2004).

Now, as I go back over issues from the past year or two, I see more and more words or "talking". So for today, and most likely beyond, I'm minimizing on words, inviting you to supply them or to simply "be" with the photo(s).

Today's Featured Photo -

orange sunset reflections under boardwalk in Green Cay Wetlands

Reflected Sunset underneath the boardwalk at Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL

Orange sunset reflections in Green Cay Wetlands without the boardwalk

The second photo I zoomed in on the reflecting sunset, eliminating the boardwalk. See Self-Reflecting Queries for my observation on this.

Today's Photo Story -
There's not a particular "story" around today's photos and I could create one. I'm wondering, though, do the "stories" I include make a difference for you?

Self-Reflecting Queries -
I posed the question above, specifically, "Do my stories as I include them in Picture to Ponder make a difference for you?"

And, then I went on to observe, for myself, how much of my life I'm engaged in "story-telling" to others and myself. What if I spent more time living my life, being in it, rather than in the stories, how much "richer" might my life be?

I invite you to make the same observations and queries in your life.

Also, in relation to today's photos - Is there one you prefer over the other? For me, it's the upper photo. It feels framed and anchored by the dark shapes of the boardwalk and its support.

Do you prefer the frames and anchors in your life or are you more comfortable an unconstrained space as seen in the second, albeit it does end at the tops and sides of the picture?

Remember to have fun with the queries. As always your thoughts are appreciated in the COMMENTS section on the BLOG.

Reader's Comments are welcome -
To post them on the Photography and Transformation blog click on the small word "Comment" at the end of the post. A window will open, asking for your name, email address that will NOT be published, a URL if you have - Your name will be linked to that - and a box with space for you to "Leave a Reply" will be there to type in your response. Then remember to click on "Submit."

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please forward this issue or another and share your experiences of it with your friends and colleagues. Suggest that they, too, SUBSCRIBE. Special thanks to those of you who have been speaking about the difference Picture to Ponder makes for you.

Guests - If this issue has been passed on to you by a friend, we invite you also to take advantage of a no-cost subscription. Simply click on SUBSCRIBE. You can learn more about Picture to Ponder on our INTRO page.

IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v6-issue33.html

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Picture to Ponder, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-09 Sheila Finkelstein
http://www.sheilafinkelstein.com - portal to it all
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©2004 - 2010 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila