FlickR Photo Sharing with Ease for Connection and Searchability

Published: Sun, 01/16/11

Dear ,

This week I am offering a one-session, FR*EE teleclass on the ins and outs of "Using FlickR" -

FlickR, considered the best online photo management and sharing application in the world, is a fr*ee service allowing people to make their photos available to the people who matter to them.

Their mission is also to "enable new ways of organizing photos and video."

ceramic sculpture of a little girl, on a glass table, by Sheila Finkelstein

Are you using an easy photo sharing program?

Are you comfortable and happy with it?

Are you in an online business, maximizing the use of your photos for search engine optimization?


Are you simply interested in have an easy way of directing family and friends to see your photos?

If you are frustrated and/or simply want to learn more, you can register for the call at

for one of the two experiential teleclasses being held on Tuesday night, January 18th or Wednesday morning, January 19th.

Because I am currently working on a revised and enlarged mini-manual, this week is the ONE and ONLY time I will be offering the live call without charging a fee.

It is an experiential teleclass. Participants will be working on their computers, surfing the FlickR site, while they are on the phone.

I will be recording it AND registered participants, whether you could be on the call or not, will receive:

  • the 2009 "How to Use FlickR", 20+ page PDF
  • the updated edition when complete and
  • the MP3 of the call for which you registered

This step-by-step guide to using the diverse components of the FlickR site makes it EASY to show your work and also connect with like-minded people interested in sharing their photos.

To get all of this, for no charge, go to FlickR Report and Call.

To Inspiration, Beauty and Connection,


Sheila Finkelstein