Picture to Ponder - Vol 7 - Issue 3D: iPhone Photo - Course on Tuesday - Sunlit Palm Leave

Published: Mon, 01/24/11

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
January 23, 2011
Volume 7 - Issue 3D

Dear ,

Last reminder - The Through and From The Lens course starts tomorrow night, Tuesday, 1/25, or Wednesday morning, 1/26 (in Eastern U.S. Different time of the day for subscribers elsewhere in the world).

For those of you who might be "on the fence" about participating or who have yet to check out the page, I've added something you might find helpful. Last week I shared some statements by Marifran Korb, Relationship Coach, on the beauty she now sees in her world as a result of participating in the TFTL course.

In a second conversation she had some very interesting things to say about how the camera has become a means for her to "take charge" of her life. At one point, she stated:

"I use the camera for being more at peace with myself and my world. When I use the camera I feel like I'm in charge and sometimes in life you're not. With the camera you're choosing what you're looking for or you are in charge of what you see. . .and how you see it. 

For your convenience I have put both audio interviews on a new page with a link to transcripts of what she said in each of those seven-minute interviews. See Marifran's Words.

Today's Photo and Story -

iphoto of sunlit palm leaves at Green Cay wetlands

Late afternoon sunlit palm leaves in Green Cay Wetlands.

My camera(s) and I went out for a walk with the intent of breaking through the sluggishness I was feeling. Almost the first thing I saw, at the beginning of my walk, were these "spot-lit" leaves, reminding me that there is always some brightness that exists somewhere. I, of course, started taking pictures,
this is the first of the photos I am publishing that comes from my new iPhone camera. I have been so enrolled in what Dewitt Jones, former National Geographic photographer, has been doing with his iPhone that I finally broke down and made the investment last week. I have yet to download any applications and get into some of the other things he has been doing with his.

My regular digital camera was with me also and, interestingly, the iPhone captured the feeling of what I saw, more so than did my Canon, despite the different camera settings I tried on the latter.

A good part of the Through and From The Lens program involves simply "playing" with the camera and our eyes, looking at things from different perspectives. Lighting, composition and more is covered. During the next four weeks I'm sure what I will be experiencing with my iPhone will also come into some of the conversations.

My bottom line point here is that even if your main camera is the one on your phone, the content of the course makes it applicable for anyone interested in expanded creativity, seeing or freedom.

So, if you have been enjoying looking through my eyes in Picture to Ponder, I invite you to also consider developing your own even further by participating with us in Through and From The Lens.

Self-Reflecting Queries -
In looking back I see that the photographs in two of the last three issues had patterns of light as an important element of them.

I therefore invite you today to be looking at where the light is in your life. If things look dark or bleak, even momentarily, do you have a place to go, something to look at, an action to take, or gratitude to give that will generate a shift for you?

Most likely there is one or more something that serves for you. Do you have this programmed into your memory bank so that you can almost immediately call it into play if needed?

Might you want more "tools" for shifting states in your "toolkit"? If so, do you know where to find them? If not, Through and From The Lens might have some answers for you.

As always, find the fun and celebration in the queries and your life. Please post in the comments on the blog, letting us know where the light is in your world.

Update on the Future of Picture to Ponder -
Several people did respond to the two survey questions I asked in the last mailing. Thank you for that. You wrote of the difference that Picture to Ponder makes for you. I certainly appreciated being reminded of that. It also seemed that some of you wanted reassurance that the Photos and Queries will be continuing.

Although I had not considered stopping Picture to Ponder, I am exploring ways in which, frankly, I can also be generating revenue while serving you. One of the things I do love is sharing products and services that have made a difference for me. I have therefore decided to start two regular mailings a week:

One will be Picture to Ponder as you've known it, with Photos and Queries. "Picture to Ponder: Volume..." will remain in the Subject line.

The second will be sharing services and possibly products that I value, with no photo to ponder. I will identify these mailings with "PTP plus a description" in the Subject line. You will thus know what you will be opening, or not. More as this develops.

I look forward to continue serving you. Thank you for being in my life.


photo of sheila finkelstein

©2004 - 2011 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and sheilafinkelstein.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila