PTP Subscribers - Connecting with You Live by Phone and FreeSee

Published: Sun, 02/27/11

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
February 24, 2011
Volume 7 - Issue 8b

Dear ,

In the last issue of Picture to Ponder, I mentioned that I was doing a preview call on Tuesday night at 8:30 PM to the Through and From The Lens telecourse.

In fact the call will be much more than an introduction to the course. I will be demonstrating using the FreeSee desktop sharing program to give an overview and some tips on easily using Flickr photo sharing program. While we are in Flickr you will have the opportunity to see some of the photography of past course participants.

I will also be showing some of my own work and process relevant to the upcoming course experience.

When you check out the call registration page you'll see I've targeted artists, photographers, coaches and entrepreneurs who might be looking to reach their audiences in expanded ways.

You may not fit any of those categories. On the other hand you might be a subscriber who would enjoy simply connecting with me in a new way. You also might be one who would appreciate being able to use Flickr to share your photographs with family and friends.

Even if you have already received my Using Flickr PDF, you might appreciate the opportunity to actually see it being used.

To participate "live" on Tuesday night's call you would dial into a telephone conference call line, or, if you use Skype, you can save phone charges and easily punch in from there. I've put together easy instructions for this.

To see my desktop, as we talk, you would need to download the FreeSee application. It's all very simple and instructions will be sent to you once you confirm your registration for the call.

To join us you can go to the descriptive Registration Page, link above, or simply click on the link to the opt-in form. I would love to meet you.

Looking forward to connecting with you.


photo of sheila finkelstein
