Picture to Ponder - Vol 8 - issue 12 - Loyalty and Devotion - Maranta and Phalaenopsis Plants

Published: Sat, 03/24/12

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
March 24 , 2012
Volume 8 - Issue 12

Dear ,

This past week "Loyalty and Devotion" one of the tips from "55 Ways to Show Love" has been running around my mind.

Last week, I had walked out on my screened-in patio and once again noticed a bud on a phalaenopsis plant. In my usual pattern, I got excited and watched it for a day or so. Then "taking-it-for-granted" kicked in and I forgot about it until the flower opened. Once again I did notice the plant, along with the second bud, then flower which appeared a few days later.

maranta - prayer plant - and phalaenopsis orchid plant - loyalty and devotion

Reflecting on the latter experience, my maranta ["prayer plant"] came to mind. It has been with me in one stage or another for well over 40 years. I've written about it in Picture to Ponder a few times over the past several years. In an issue in 2005, I mentioned how the plant had almost died several times.There are other photos and links there.

In 2008, I shared the story and photos of the plant's presumed end and subsequent rebirth. See the Sept 2008 Unconditional Love blog post.

So how does this relate to you and me and our interpersonal lives?
See the Self-Reflecting Queries below for my further thoughts on relevancy. Both my maranta plant and this particular phalaenopsis plant, continue to grow and bloom, despite my paying them minimal attention, sometimes ignoring them altogether.

Today's Photos - from the April 8, 2010 issue

phalaenopsis and 2 buds

Phalaenopsis orchid and two buds the morning I first noticed the open flower.

phalaenopsis in front of screened window

The second Phalaenopsis opened - The setting here and in the top photo is in front of the screen looking out into the backyard.

phalaenopsis - black background

Same flowers, as above, in front of a black background so that the focus is on the flowers only.

Self-Reflecting Queries -
In 2010, I wrote that I was in awe and in deep gratitude for what this orchid and the Maranta plant have given me.... Once again I recognize it as "unconditional love."

They have bloomed and given me pleasure even though I have more or less neglected them over time. See Unconditional Love which has added Maranta links.

Now to you in 2012 -

What comes up for you around "Loyalty and Devotion?"

To whom in your life are you loyal and devoted?

And, who in your life is loyal and devoted to you?

How do each of you demonstrate this?


Are there people or things in your life whom you have been neglecting and are still always there for you no matter what?

If so, I invite you to pause and in some way express your gratitude and appreciation.

I also invite you to celebrate yourself and your partner(s) in loyalty and devotion.

Celebration -
At the time of my 2010 orchid experience, one of the four-minute free-flow writing exercise prompts in the writing group in which I participated, and still do, was:

"Celebrate what you want to see more of." - Tom Peters

My friend Marifran Korb, having heard about and not yet seen the orchid, spontaneously responded with the following:

"To celebrate is to give focus and attention to something, even if only a minute. It doesn't have to be a long time. What I focus upon responds in some way, even when it is only in me.

Still, we live in an interactive world. That orchid that Sheila captured on camera responded to Sheila's love and moved the world around it in a gentler way.

Something shifts and opens up when we pay attention. We're happier if only for that moment. It makes a difference and
increases the circle of joy." Marifran Korb - www.marifrankorb.com

What might you have been ignoring that might result in a shift should you pay attention to it?

I invite you to celebrate, play and have fun with whatever you notice.

I'd love to hear your responses to experiences of "Loyalty and Devotion" in your life. Please share them on the blog.

55 Ways to Show Love - Get Your Copy Now
It includes contributions from 30 Picture to Ponder subscribers. You can get the download link by clicking on 55 Ways PDF. All of the tips are filled with love. There are some especially creative tips ones.

[Note this does include a subscription to Picture to Ponder and so long as you use the same email address as you have here you will NOT get duplicate mailings.]

Reader's Comments are welcome.
To post them on the Photography and Transformation blog click on the small word "Comment" at the end of the post. A window will open, asking for your name, email address that will NOT be published, a URL if you have - Your name will be linked to that - and a box with space for you to "Leave a Reply" will be there to type in your response. Then remember to click on "Submit."

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward, for me, of publishing Picture to Ponder.

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IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v8-issue12.html

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Picture to Ponder, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-12 Sheila Finkelstein

www.lovewithnoregrets.com - Get "55 Ways to Show Love"
www.SheilaFinkelstein.com - Portal to All My Creative Ventures/
www.NatureArtGifts.com - Gifts from Art in Nature
www.BananaSkyDVD.com - Stress Relief on TV or Computer


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www.SheilaFinkelstein.com/businessopportunity.html - Business Opportunity


©2004 - 2010 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila