TYLN - Treasure Your Life Now - Sunrise Light and Shadows Where's the Focus? - vol 8-issue23

Published: Fri, 06/22/12

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
June 22, 2012
formerly Picture to Ponder - Volume 8 - Issue 23

Dear ,

Once again, a warm welcome to our new subscribers, most of who are from the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Gifts 2 Giveaway. See below, after Tips and Queries, if you missed the information and invitation last week.

For today's issue of TREASURE YOUR LIFE NOW, I'm mainly going to let the sunrise photos do the talking... your responses to them that is, without much interference, interpretations, from me.

I had the pleasure of staying in a hotel on the beach, in Daytona Beach, FL, with my younger son and family this past weekend. On three consecutive mornings I was able to be outside as the sun rose, albeit a few minutes too late on the first day to catch it before it appeared on the horizon.

Today's Photos -

sun jus above the horizon on the Atlantic ocean in viewed from the beach in Daytona Beach, FL


cloud crosses part of the sun as seen from surfside - Daytona Beach, FL

The two above were taken the first day; the one below as I was leaving the beach on the third morning.


Where's the focus
On the light or the shadows
Lines or textures
Empty places or the core

I choose the light
And you?

As the above image caught my eye, and thus my camera, the thoughts expressed in words below it came out. I jotted them down to share with you in Treasure Your Life Now.

Today's Relationship Tip and queries -
Every moment of our lives is filled with both light or shadows, either within or without ourselves.

The choice of which of these on which you dwell, spend your time and engage in conversation, is up to you.

Sometimes it may feel, or be, necessary to converse your way through the shadows to see the light. Be sure it's with your journal or a trusted friend.

Remember whatever you are stating is likely not absolute. When speaking with another, get permission and be in the space of empowerment for both of you. If it feels like you are going to be "dumping" (other than with pen), be clear and up front that this is what you are doing.

In writing the above, I've made the assumption that you, too, ARE choosing the light. Are you?

If so, I also invite you to explore different images you have in your memory bank that can instantly trigger and presence your light for you.

What are those images and/or words for you? Please share them in the Comments Section of this article on the new Treasure Your Life blog.

Also, please share your experiences of what today's photos were for you.

More Love Tips -
You might enjoy viewing the 8 tips on Rose Photos, set-up for Cards I'll be sharing as an exhibitor at the Lifelong Romance Retreat this weekend.

The Health and Wellness Giveaway -
There are over 500 gifts available to you. It is described as "the largest selection of FREE ebooks, audios, videos, courses, memberships and more" relating to the Health, Wealth and Wellness niche!

Relationships are one of the categories covered in this Health and Wellness Giveaway. Relationships are included in this category.

I was particularly excited when I saw THE LOVE LETTERS OF ARIELLE AND BRIAN PDF by Arielle Ford was being offered. It has 90 pages of letters, tips on writing love letters and a wide range of relationship tips.

Looking at the site, and all that's offered, may seem overwhelming initially. Thus I've put together some tips to simplify it for you. First scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up. Then trust that the pages will open to just the "right" gifts for you once you log in.

To make it easier for you, as a Treasure Your Life subscriber, I checked to find out if there was a site search. There is one by author name only. Simply click on Searching for Authors for the graphic instructions I've prepared for you. Thus you can easily search for Arielle Ford or any other author.

My Contribution -
If you do not already have either, or both, you can get my "RED ONION STORY: Peeling Away the Layers of an Onion, Analogous to Peeling Away the Layers of Ourselves" and "55 Ways to Show Love" by following the SEARCH INSTRUCTIONS and looking for author Sheila Finkelstein.

Have fun.

For Complimentary ReInvent Your Love Session:

It could be an opportunity to explore different interpretations - yours and his or hers.

If you are interested in a 1/2 hour complimentary session with me, you can book one directly on my CALENDAR or go to RYL SESSION for more information.

Guests - If this issue has been passed on to you by a friend, we invite you also to take advantage of a no-cost subscription. Your will also receive a complimentary copy of "55 Ways to Show Love."

IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v8-issue23.html

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2005-12 Sheila Finkelstein

www.LoveWithNoRegrets.com - Get "55 Ways to Show Love"
www.SheilaFinkelstein.com - Portal to All My Creative Ventures
www.BananaSkyDVD.com - Stress Relief on TV or Computer


©2004 - 2012 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila