Last Time Being Offered - Starts on Wednesday

Published: Mon, 10/01/12

Dear ,

Yes, I have mentioned this in the past few issues
of Treasure Your Life Now, as well as in solo mailings.

And I know, in the midst of all of our busy-ness and
deluge of email, things do get missed. I am thus sending
this final mailing to reach those who fall in the
latter category.

Wednesday morning, October 3rd will be the start of
my 4-week Through and From The Lens telecourse -
It IS the LAST TIME I will be offering it.

Since there are people currently registered who, as
subscribers to Picture to Ponder, have been THINKING
ABOUT enrolling for a few years now, I thought I'd
make sure you, too, have this one last opportunity.

So, if you have MISSED seeing the information -

The Through and From The Lens program, is a course for
those people who want to learn to take great pictures
even if they don't understand all the settings of
their cameras.

Or, even if they do understand and are quite proficient,
want to further unleash their creativity to see beyond
the ordinary.

Following are a few of the reasons current registrants
have enrolled in the upcoming course:

1 - Tired of not using her camera because she was
befuddled with all of the settings. With a new camera
now she declared, "It's time!"

2 - Desire to take more creative photos on an upcoming
scheduled cruise than she took in her last.

3 - Wish to learn more of how I see both "inside and

Judith Tramayne of AGoodRead[.]com, one of the past
participants, recently wrote:

"You made me so aware of what I was missing. Looking
through a lens tends to make one focus.

I loved how you taught me to appreciate my camera as
a means to increase my creativity."

She concluded, "I didn't even like a camera before I
took your class."

Now she is photographing regularly AND she used a
picture she took in the course as a reference for one
of the painting illustrations in a new book.

For details, bonuses, registration information and to
see testimonials and photographs from some other past
participants go to

I look forward to connecting with you on Wednesday and
during the next four weeks, should any of what's here
and on the site resonate with you.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving With No Regrets,

Sheila Finkelstein