[TYLN] Reality and Textures of Life - Macaws, Feathers, Owl - Treasure Your Life Now - v8-44

Published: Fri, 11/30/12

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
November 30, 2012
formerly Picture to Ponder - Volume 8 - Issue 44

rock that looks like an egg on rocks in Dreher Park Zoo

Dear ,

Today's message and photos focus on textures and stories in our lives. "What's real?" can be considered the question of the day.

When I started looking for feature photos for this issue of Treasure Your Life Now some of my recent bird portrait photos surfaced. Then I began to get caught up in textures in other recent photos taken at the Dreher Park Zoo in West Palm Beach, FL.

The top photo is example of "the power of suggestion." As I was walking in an enclosed, large aviary section of the zoo, the small white rock you see in it immediately caught my eye. Given that my brain knew I was in a bird environment, my instant, automatic response was to perceive it as an egg. Upon closer look though I saw that it was a rock, the thought of the egg remained with me for a while.

Today's Additional Photos -

Macaw feathers on a printed fabric


Macaw feathers on fabric


macaw feathers only

The above three photographs are of feathers from one or more Macaws - large, beautifully colored members of the Parrot family.

Before reading on I invite you to spend a moment or two with each of the photos and observe your own responses.

The feathers were on a educational exhibit table as we walked out of one area of the zoo. They were placed on a relevantly printed fabric. In the top photo, especially, it's difficult to separate the actual feathers from the parrot image that is a print on the fabric.

I love the play of lines, silky textures and contrasts in the middle photo. The bottom, of the feathers alone, placed and photographed horizontally, has a whole different, almost ethereal quality for me.

Once I had decided on "Texture" as the theme for this issue the next photo jumped out at me.

owl in textured background

Quite obviously an Owl (a live one), the contrast, or blending, of his feathers with that of the wire against the fence slats captivates me.

What draws you in here?

And moving on to Self-Reflecting Queries and Relationship Tips -

What was your experience with the photos and with what I wrote?

Do you find yourself seeing things exactly as you think they are without any added interpretations?

If so, I invite you have a conversation with another on one or more of the photographs. Without sharing first what either you or I saw, ask for that other person's experience.

Is it any different from yours? If so, is there anything you can take from that to apply to other areas of your life, particularly in your relationships with other people?

blue macaw pair in Dreher Park Zoo

Given we started out with Macaws, I'm concluding with a photograph of two live ones. Following their example I invite you to embrace another person or yourself. Or, in some other way demonstrate a connection as these two birds are doing.

As always, have fun, and please post what comes up for you in the COMMENTS section of the blog.

For Subscribers who are Business Owners -
If you are currently in Internet Marketing or are interested in entering the field, the following could pertain to you.

Today, Friday, November 30th, is the last day that David Perdew is offering all the benefits of MyNAMS Total Business System membership at any level. There are 5 membership benefits that will be disappearing after midnight Eastern Time tonight:

* NAMS Workshop Member Discount
* Affiliate Sales Domination Training Course
* Monthly PLR Articles
* Monthly Turnkey Websites
* Monthly Graphics Packs

Right now the lifetime membership fee is far less than a lot of individual one time programs.

I have been a MyNAMS member since the inception of the monthly membership. I appreciate the wealth of information and support that is available.

To see if there is something here for you, I invite you to use my affiliate link to check it out - http://SourcesforBusinessSupport.com/mynams-lifetime.html

IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v8-issue44.html

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2012 Sheila Finkelstein All rights reserved worldwide.

www.LoveWithNoRegrets.com - Get "55 Ways to Show Love"
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©2012 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are cthe property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila