[TYLN] How to Have Fun Seeing - Using Your Camera or Not?

Published: Mon, 09/03/12

Hi .

I want to make sure that you see the information on
my not-to-be-missed, upcoming, uplifting interview with
Jerry Downs, Professional Photographer on Tuesday, 9/11 -

On this call you will learn how Photography can
Contribute to Your Life, Shift Your Mood and Create
More Fun.

During the planning interview with Jerry I smiled and
laughed as I'm sure you will also during the call.
Jerry, while referencing himself as a "Perception
Expert", said that what he is doing is nothing different
from what I did as a 4 year old. "I walked around and
looked at stuff."

From Jerry's professional experience, doing a lot of
portrait work, especially for non-profits, we'll learn
more about how we can use our cameras to take better
photos, creating deeper connections with those people
in our lives important to us.

From his road travels, which he loves, Jerry has really
come to understand himself in relation to the world.
We had an interesting discussion on the difference
between aloneness and being lonely.

You probably can tell by now that the planning call
we had was so rich that I'm flying high at the
opportunity we all will have listening to and
questioning Jerry on Tuesday evening, September
11th - http://throughandfromthelens.com/jdowns912.html.

You might be wondering if you NEED to be using a camera,
and/or having a professional one, for this call to
be making sense for you. The answer is NO! Jerry is
all about SEEing.

Jerry loves word play and does it so effortlessly. I
smile now remembering a photo of his I had seen
on Facebook. It was from a photo shoot he had done
on a dairy farm. Under the picture of cows he wrote,
"Have an udderly fantastic day and keep milking life
for all it's worth."

Please join us on September 11 - Free Registration is
on http://throughandfromthelens.com/jdowns912.html

Smiling, anticipating your being on the call, learning
and having fun with us,

Sheila Finkelstein

PS - The interview will be recorded, so if you can't
make it, or you want to listen again (and again),
simply register and you will get a link for the MP3
after the call is over. Again, details, as well as
some of Jerry's photos, are on