Are you ready to Unleash Your Creativity and Have Fun - Guaranteed?

Published: Wed, 09/19/12

Dear ,

Over the years of publishing TREASURE YOUR LIFE NOW, formerly
PICTURE TO PONDER, I've often heard: "I want to learn how
to see like you see."

In response, I created the telecourse described below and
on On the latter page you can read
exciting stories from past students and how their lives were changed
in ways they did not expect!

Some enjoyed it so much, they came again and continued to
experience further fun changes in their lives! I invite you to
join in.

The Through and From The Lens Telecourse, inspires your using a
camera, or cell phone, to:

• take great photographs without being a camera wiz
• see in new and expanded ways, enhancing relationships
• add more fun to your life,
• open up to your creative self, the one you might have
been denying or not even known you had,
• have your own photos to use in blogs and in other forms
of social media as well as on note cards and products.

You will be part of a community (live - on the phone) with the
option to share your work and join in discussions.

If you wish to GET RIGHT TO THE BOTTOM LINE, there are
links throughout to quickly get
you to the specific course and registration details. Or, you can
go through and read my story and those of past participants. Along
the way be sure to check out the BONUSES.

I look forward to you and I co-creating to inspire and unleash your
creativity. See the PS below for my GUARANTEE on that.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
A Life of Endless Discovery,
Living with No Regrets,

Sheila Finkelstein,
Photographer, Artist, Writer, Coach

PS - If you still think you are not creative, check out the
Conditional Guarantee on
"If not completely satisfied after having fully participated
in the course, completing all the assignments, email a request and
your money will promptly be refunded."

I'll add here that in addition to full satisfaction with the

PSS - The Bonuses, as described on the web page, include a free
30-minute phone consultation, where we can address creativity should
that remain a concern of yours.