Almost Here - How to Take Great Pictures Meaningful To You Even If You're Feeling Challenged

Published: Tue, 09/25/12

Dear ,

I invite you to read the following before it's too late. The program
starts this upcoming week.

Are you sometimes befuddled with all the settings on your point and
shoot digital camera, even if it's a simple one?

Would you like to be taking great photos with ease, preserving
moments and experiences important to you?

Do you consider yourself as a non-creative person?

If "yes" or "maybe" to any of above, please visit describing the Through and From The
Lens telecourse which starts next Wednesday morning, October 3rd.

On the page you can read exciting stories from past students and how
their lives were changed in ways they did not expect!

New photos of mine have also been added since the page was first

The Through and From The Lens Telecourse inspires your using a
camera, or cell phone, to:

• take great photographs without being a camera wiz
• see in new and expanded ways, enhancing relationships
• add more fun to your life,
• open up to your creative self, the one you might have
been denying or not even known you had,
• have your own photos to use in blogs and in other forms
of social media as well as on note cards and products.

You will be part of a community (live - on the phone) with the
option to share your work and join in discussions.

You can find specific details, with bonuses that include a 30 minute
phone consultation, plus my guarantee, on

Looking forward to your joining us in this fun-filled class.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
A Life of Endless Discovery,
Living with No Regrets,

Sheila Finkelstein,
Photographer, Artist, Writer, Coach