[TYLN] Are You Waiting? To the Rising of the New Year - Vol. 9 - Issue 13

Published: Tue, 12/31/13

Treasure Your Life Now header - photography as inspiration and access to transformation
December 31, 2013
formerly Picture to Ponder - Volume 9 - Issue 13

Dear :

Along with wishes for the New Year (see last photo), today's issue of Treasure Your Life Now brings queries for you to consider as we move into 2014.

Do you ever find yourself waiting for the exact, right moment to do something, say something, write something, or... ??

sunrise at Wakodahtachee Wetlands

Do you protect yourself from the unknown or from what you think you know about it?

sunrise at Wakodahatchee Wetlands on 12-29-13

Perhaps you hide behind excuses? Yet you look for...? You yearn for...?

The point of this last issue of the year is, "What if you were to Treasure Your Life NOW" in each moment? or to notice what happens when you Treasure Your Life, yourself and those people in your life, right now!

On Sunday, this past weekend, one of my visiting grandsons said maybe he would get up and go to the beach with me to see the sunrise. Before the wake-up alarm even went off, I walked outside to look at the dark distant sky. There were large and puffy clouds, so I thought it would be worth going.

When I woke my grandson, he thanked me and said that he was too tired. Given the beach is about 20 minutes, I wavered for myself and thought, "No. I'll go back to bed." Generally, I am late-to-bed, late-to-rise.

Then I decided since I WAS up already I could go five to ten minutes away to Wakodahatchee Wetlands and probably experience a "good" sunrise... picturesque, possibly exceptional.

According to the Weather app on my iPhone, the sun would be rising at 7:03 AM. It was about 6:20 AM and I went on my computer, finding things to do, planning to leave about 6:45 AM to be there "on time." On schedule I left my home. It was already somewhat light outside.

As I looked up at the sky in front of my house, and while driving, I was dazzled by the beautiful pinks and almost reds. There was no place to stop to photograph what I was seeing.

By the time I reached Wakodahatchee, the brilliance in the sky had settled down. It was only then that I remembered that often the magic of the rising sun is in the colors that radiate throughout the sky BEFORE we actually see it coming above horizon. How many other times and how often in life do we miss what's happening in the present.

Thus the lead question here, "Are you waiting and for what?" I was pretty much waiting for the 7:03 rising sun, missing what was before.

The topmost photo was the first scene I saw after parking my car at Wakodahatchee. The water reflecting the main color of the beautiful sky was what first caught my attention, reminding me Wakodahatchee was a great place to be for sunrise.

With the second of the above photos, we admire the beauty, while still being separated with our thoughts.

Below the camera and I open up to the full beauty.

sunrise in Wakodatchee photo 3 on December 29, 2013


birds flying at sunrise in Wakodahatchee Wetlands

I love the mystical quality of the blurs in the fourth photo. Reminds me of the brilliance of being in action.

Last Self-Reflecting Query for the year -

I invited my writing group this morning to write on the following prompt and I invite you to do so also.

"When I treasure my life now, I......"

I wrote:
"When I treasure my life now, I am in the moment... the positive moment. I see what's working, seeing the good in others and myself.  

I am valuing myself, being present to what's right, the beauty in me and in others.  

When I am treasuring my life, I am in it rather than observing it. I am in action. I am sharing with others, not fixing, rather inspiring each to treasure their lives, the people in it currently and yet to come.

When I treasure my life I am with my family, open to loving and being loved, relaxed and appreciating each of us for who we are.... the same with friends.  

Judgment disappears standing in the space of treasuring and breathing the now, the good, the beauty... life itself all around."

A Very Happy, Healthy, Joyous and Prosperous 2014 to you!

May the light of the sun radiate warmth and beauty throughout the world.


sun's rays at sunrise in Wakodahatchee Wetlands

As always, have fun with the photos and questions. Please share on the blog your experiences with what comes up for you, how you are Treasuring Your Life now.

IMPORTANT: If today's photos inspire writing or anything else that has you share it and the photos, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue, http://www.eteletours.com/v9-issue13.html

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2013 Sheila Finkelstein All rights reserved worldwide.

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©2013 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are cthe property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

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