[TYLN] Time Sensitive for Subscribers who are Business Owners

Published: Mon, 02/18/13

Hi ,

The regular issue of Treasure Your Life Now, with photos
and queries, will be in your Inbox by tomorrow evening.

In the meantime I wanted those of you who might be interested
or involved in Internet Marketing to be aware of a special pricing
opportunity for those able take advantage of it by midnight
tonight - an incredible value for $97 total for 3 full days.

Last weekend I went to NAMS9 in Atlanta, GA. It was
the first one I attended in over 2 years and I am so
glad I did. I have been full of ideas since.

I will be going back in August and, should it be a
fit for you, it would be great if you joined me

The following is from an email I received a bit ago from
founder David Perdew.

"Less than 7 hours before best price ever on NAMS10
workshop goes up $100.

Seriously! It's goes up to $197 at midnight tonight for
MyNAMS members and non-members alike.

What's the NAMS10 Workshop and when and where is it?

It's Aug. 9-11 in Atlanta, GA.


If you haven't heard of it, the NAMS workshop is a 4-
track, experience-based workshop with more than 35
instructors on site teaching you what you need to know
to move your business forward and helping you implement
the techniques on site.

If you have heard of the NAMS workshop, you just need
to come! It is a life-changing experience...


Here's what others are saying about NAMS9 which just
finished last weekend.

"It's so hard to pin the weekend down to one thing, but
for me it would have to be that my husband got a first
rate introduction to doing business online. He is
finally interested in joining me!" - Teresa Miller

"David Perdew's 1st-class team of heart-centered
instructors and keynote speakers will have you crying
one minute, rolling in the aisle the next, and
scribbling furiously in your notebook the next. And
best of all, prepared to implement tried and proven
strategies used by the top experts in the world of
internet marketing." - Lawrence Clark


"Structure of the conference allowed up close access to
the instructors. It wasn't a pitchfest; it was a real
learning opportunity." - Tanya Smith

"What made it worth it for me was meeting all the
amazing people-what a heartfelt, open collaborate
group!" - Kaya Singer


Join us for an intense and life changing workshop. Six
months is not far away and the price will never be
better again.

Peace & Prosperity,

David Perdew"

And I ditto it all,

Disclaimer Note: The above is my affiliate link. Should
you take advantage of the offer I will derive a
commission. And, I would not be sharing this if I
were not fully behind it!

Sheila Finkelstein