[TYLN] Embracing Gratitude - Spreading LIght on Thanksgiving

Published: Tue, 11/25/14

picture to ponder header - photography as access to transformation
November 25, 2014
formerly Picture to Ponder - Volume 10 - Issue 8

Anhinga with widespread wings in Wakodahatchee Wetlands

Spreading wings... Welcoming...
Being Open to Light and Life... Thankful... In Gratitude...

Dear ,

As we approach the holiday of Thanksgiving here in the U.S., I'm wondering is there anyone or anything from whom you are withholding acknowledgment or simply sharing of some of your own joy?

So What Do You Do Now Book2As I planned this issue, it occurred to me that I hadn't yet shared with you that my story, "Treasure Your Life Now" is in a book now on Amazon!

"SO WHAT DO YOU DO NOW? Discovering the Genius Next Door with One Simple Question," was launched on Amazon in mid-October. Click on the book image or on this Amazon link to check it out.

The core of what I wrote, with an overview of segments of my life and various overcomings, was in large measure an acknowledgement of my beloved, late husband Sam and the contribution his unconditional love and support made to my life and others.

As we approach Thanksgiving Day in the United States, I am, as always, reminded of my eternal gratitude for him. He died 7 years ago on November 21. In 2007, it was the evening of the day before Thanksgiving.

Sam was the epitome of love, generosity and gentle, quiet humor. I am, and will be, forever grateful to him for our love, his gifts, the sons he seeded and blessed me/us with and their resulting families. I am grateful for the contribution he was to me, and thus indirectly to you also, throughout our 47 plus years together.

To/for whom in your life are you grateful? Is there someone who has supported you whom you can acknowledge?

Amongst the things with which Sam encouraged me was my photography and Picture to Ponder, this ezine. He would often look over my shoulder and make suggestions and comments as I was putting it together.

So remembering him and you, I want to say once again, "Thank you for being a part of our family of subscribers. I deeply appreciate you all. Some of you have been with Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life Now for almost 10 years.

Today's Photos

Whenever Sam and I walked in Wakodatchee Wetlands, he loved seeing and pointing out Anhingas spreading their wings. Thus the backlit bird above seems to be a fitting image to spread light to and embrace all of you with love and appreciation during this Holiday season.

In addition to my immediate family, I am profoundly grateful for my extended family, friends, clients and business associates. Deep gratitude to all the people who contribute to me and my world through whatever services they provide.

Additional Photos - Queries and Relationship Tips

Anghinga ponders

Another view of a different Anhinga. As this Anhinga appears to be lovingly viewing his immediate area, I, again, invite you to look around for whom and what you are grateful in your immediate world.


Anhinga in Wakodahatchee Wetlands with neck out

stretch yourself a bit. Who else is there that you see whose been a contribution to you?

I invite you to acknowledge this person, or people, in some way be it in a conversation, something in writing, or even something as simple as a touch if they are amenable to that.

Consider making all of your words and actions, at any time, be ones of expressions of love as you are look for the things in your life for which you are grateful.

I invite you to take advantage of the "Leave a Reply" section on the blog. Please post and share that for which, and for whom, you are grateful whether or not you are celebrating Thanksgiving.