[TYLN] Purple Chihuly Sculpture plus Challenges and Story Telling

Published: Fri, 06/12/15

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

June 12, 2015

formerly Picture to Ponder - Volume 11 - Issue 4

Chihuly Purple Glass schulpture in palms at Fairchild GardensHi Sheila,

The underlying theme of today's Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life Now is "story." Before expanding on it and the photo on the left (enlarged below) I am asking for your help.

1 - As I continue living in, developing and transforming my own life story, I am in the inquiry of "What problems do I solve? Who are the people I help?"

For those of you have been subscribers for some time, and new ones also: Are there problems with which I have helped you in my writing here or through other contacts? If so, what was/were the problem(s) and how was/were it/they resolved? I would very much appreciate your response. Simply put it in a reply to this email.

Also, are you, , dealing with a challenge now where I might be able to help you gain clarity... in a relationship (with yourself or another) or in an Internet business, (particularly in the areas of technology or marketing)? If so, I would be glad to set up a time for a free 30 minute consultation. Or, perhaps there is a product or service to which I can direct you. Again, please reply to this email with your response. If you'd like a complimentary consultation, put that in the subject line.

2 - In expanding on today's "Story" theme... mine, yours, the ones we make up... If you are in business and would like help in crafting your story/stories to further monetize your business, be sure to click on NAMS Friday Flash Sale: How to Monetize Your Life with Storytelling. More details at the end of this issue.

Now on to Today's Photo... Story and Self-Reflecting Queries -

purple glass in palms at Fairchild Gardens

The above photo and story of a Dale Chihuly glass sculpture was featured in an issue of Picture to Ponder in July 2006. It was one of many sculptures installed in the first ever Chihuly Exhibit in Fairchild Gardens in Miami.

In that issue I wrote:

"... a Chihuly purple glass sculpture in the midst of palms at Fairchild Tropical Gardens. As I was looking through photos from the exhibit then [and now] the one above popped out for me, totally capturing my attention and a few of my senses.

I love the movement of the branches, as well as the contrasts and lights and shadows at play in the whole scene. For me the experience would be complete without the sculpture and, I find, the piece does add a great anchor.

While looking at it, observe how the textures in the glass repeat the textures of the natural environment in which it was placed.

As I look at the above Palm Garden photo, I'd love to jump in, skip, play and then simply lie down and be. I am thrilled that I have this photo that allows me that experience, even though it's one I'd have to continue to visualize and create in my imagination.

Are there places that you have where you experience special energy? Can you physically visit them or are they places in your imagination? How have you captured them to keep them alive for you?

Many of you, whose work I've seen, take wonderful photos and others write and create beautiful pictures with your vivid use of words. What about the rest of you?

I have been speaking of physical, visual energy oases, so-to-speak.

Perhaps there are domains of music or other forms of sound that create these experiences for you? Are there some of you who originate and create your own place with sound.

I invite you to pay attention to what it is that brings out both serenity and playfulness for you and to note the ways in which you can hold it to retrieve at any time."

BACK TO TODAY - As I reflect on the Self-Reflecting Queries myself, here and in other issues when I go back to them, I am in wonderment at what the photos brought up for me and, presumably, for you.

The question for me now becomes... "Were those 8 to 10 years simply part of my life story that is complete or is there more to be done in that arena?

I'd be happy to hear from you if you have thoughts on this based on your past experiences with Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life Now.

Lastly, Only for Those in Business (or if you want to know how to use stories for other reasons... perhaps even in a relationship.)

In David Perdew's special Friday Flash special. You get the normally $197 best-selling Micro Workshop on Story Telling for only $27 until Midnight ET tonight (Friday).

Through a combination of PDFs, Recordings and Videos, you will:

Find relevant stories in every corner of your life.
Dig into a 7-step story structure that works every time.
Model good stories through imitation.
Discover the true language of stories.
Paint the picture that helps readers experience your feelings – the fear and ecstasy of your life.
Create a story on the spot using the structure.
Use a simple template to sculpt your story into a masterpiece.
Sharpen your own story and storytelling skills using lessons learned from other people’s stories.

I'm planning to go through the lessons myself to focus some of my own stories. How about you?

Think of all the times we use stories to enroll our children, significant others, friends into doing things we'd like.

Again, until midnight ET tonight (6/12), you can click StoryTelling Workshop for more details and to purchase it for only $27.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2004 - 2015 Sheila Finkelstein All rights reserved worldwide.

www.LoveWithNoRegrets.com - Get "55 Ways to Show Love"
www.SheilaFinkelstein.com - Portal to All My Creative Ventures

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UV2M6DG - REAL SENIORS USING IPADS: Over 100 Easy Ways to Learn Connect Communicate

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.
©2015 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila