[TYLN] Defining Moments plus Rust, Corrosion and Textures in Life

Published: Tue, 07/14/15

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

July 14, 2015

formerly Picture to Ponder - Volume 11 - Issue 5

Chihuly Purple Glass schulpture in palms at Fairchild GardensHi ,

Today's issue of Treasure Your Life Now certainly seems to have a strange grouping of photos, plus a seemingly unrelated topic AND I am going to go with what's been showing up for me, without adding meaning to it.

The photos are from a neighborhood walk during my recent visit to Philadelphia. I was captivated with the patterns and textures AND with using my new iPhone 6 camera. In addition to the photos, I want to share an upcoming program, the introduction to which I think could have appeal to all of you. So...

Have you ever thought about the defining moment(s) in your life? Do you know what it is/they are?

In a video from his canoe, my mentor and friend, David Perdew, a great story teller, shares the defining moment in his life. It was a point when everything seemed to be collapsing and he was changed forever... He talks about how he went from homeless to establishing the successful business he has today.

I have been blessed, as I hope you have, by not having a "bottom of a pit" time, and regardless, I know there have been defining moments. Since watching David's video. sharing from a beautiful, peaceful setting, I have been in the inquiry as to what some of mine have been.

Certainly one moment for me was when I was told to "drop out of school" [Fine Arts Education after a several years of time-off and switching from majors] "and join a local guild to satisfy [my] housewifely ambitions." I did pause for 6 months and went back with the firm conviction that I could be great teacher despite the fact that my "doodling," wasn't constructive according to her.

To see/hear David share about his, click on the Moments Video. I think it will appeal to all of you here. For those of you in business, there are more details below.

Now on to Today's Photos and Self-Reflecting Queries

faces and figures - images in rust and peeling on a pole

How many faces and figures can you find in the above image? For me there is the big one facing us... eyes facing slightly to our left. There is another in the upper left, with a long chin. That "chin" becomes the profile head of the lanky woman. As I keep roaming the image I see different faces and figures. What do you see?

chain, rust and corrosion on a pole - locked fence


chain - corrosion - rust - opening on pole

The above two with chains and a lock could be the basis for stories about being "locked in" or.... ???

slow motion video of butterfly in echinacea gardenLastly on photos...

If you are looking for more "traditional beauty", click or tap on Butterfly in an Echinacea Garden, to watch the one-minute Slow-Motion Video captured with the Slo-Mo video option in my new iPhone 6 camera.


I invite you to pay attention to the responses you may have to any of the above photos, imagery you may find, and/or textures you see.

And then develop your own Self-Reflecting Queries... where/how does what you are seeing/feeling fits into other areas in your life.

Nine years ago another experience of a rusted post spurred a poem "Corrossion or Transformation" that I featured with the photo in Volume 2 - Issue 51 in which I queried being "outdated, ugly, past my prime..."

[BTW - When I taught Art, unbeknownst to me initially, I was dubbed "Mrs. Texture" by the 5th graders, a few of whom even brought a Carvel Ice Cream cake to my home at the end of the year inscribed "Feel the Texture." A few years later, I learned that that title followed me to another school.

So, though I've yet to find the defining moment for "texture", it's certainly been an underlying theme in my life, even now 40 years later.]

Please post a comment in the LEAVE A REPLY section on the blog... your own defining moments and/or comments on the photos or ponderings here.

More on the David Video page - for Those in Business

After watching this short presentation from David’s canoe on his 8-acre lake (see how things can change!), you’ll see there’s hope for all of us.

The key is realizing that the only problem we can ever fix is the one inside us.

That realization is the definition of a defining moment!

It’s why that saying, “If I’m not there problem, there is no solution,” has been a guiding principle in his life.

By the way, watch the awesome free training offer David is delivering at the end of this short presentation this week. You will NOT want to miss any of this.

Again, see Defining Moment Video.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


photo of sheila finkelstein
© 2004 - 2015 Sheila Finkelstein All rights reserved worldwide.

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DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.
©2015 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila