[TYLN] [Time Sensitive] Email Audio, Photo and Note with Evernote

Published: Fri, 03/21/14

Email from Evernote to Sheila's Mac Mail accountDear ,

In the last issue of Treasure Your Life Now, at the very bottom of the email I shared an offer for the KICKSTART GUIDE TO USING EVERNOTE with the very special price of only $17 for TYLN subscribers. In the event you are one who may already have shut your computer down for the weekend, I've extended the deadline on the special to Monday Midnight, Eastern time.

See EVERNOTE GUIDE - Special Offer. There is a link on that page to see a listing of the full contents of the 4 PDFs - 85 plus pages of text and images, plus 6 video tutorials.

Evernote is a free downloadable software program that can be used on all of our electronic devices. Over time it has saved me countless hours of searching my computer for information that I was sure I had saved "somewhere".
I do most of my writing in there now both on my computer and my iPad. When finished it is stored in both.

And how convenient it is to use the Web Clipper to save articles and pages from the web while on them. It's no longer necessary to copy URLs, paste them someplace and then remember weeks or months later where you put it. Clip and tag and do your search in Evernote when you want the data.

I particularly love the ability to spontaneously use it as I did today. At the end of a meeting I went up to the presenter to ask her a question. I quickly remembered that the fastest and best way to way to retain the answer was to record her giving it to me.

I thus opened up Evernote on my iPhone, did a guick audio interview with her permission, took a photo of the both of us, typed a note on it and then emailed it to us and another interested party.

Since I did not request sharing it publicly, I came home and set up the photo above to show you what it would look like.

I especially appreciate the ability to record, with permission, phone conversations using my speaker phone. I open Evernote in my iMac computer, iPad or iPhone. And, of course, when it's complete the recording and any notes I took are available on all of these devices as well as my PC laptop.

This is one more way to record and Treasure Your Life Now.

Again, see GUIDE - Special Offer or QUICKSTART GUIDE - Contents and Offer.

Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


© 2014 Sheila Finkelstein All rights reserved worldwide.