[TYLN] Wonder and Joy - A Tribute - Red Onion Story - Video and You

Published: Fri, 05/20/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

May 20, 2016

formerly Picture to Ponder - Vol. 12 - Issue 8
Hi .

I'd like to start this issue with expressing appreciation and gratitude for those of you who answered my "I need your help..." request last issue and responded to the survey. If you did not get the opportunity to do it, I would very much appreciate your going to the one-question, multiple-choice survey after reading this issue. See below for further explanation. I will publish the results in the next issue of Treasure Your Life Now.

Today's Story, Photos and Queries - 
This week the new Apple video ad - iPhone 6S - Onions immediately caught my attention as I skipped past other ads while watching a recorded TV show. For sure, you will understand why, when you view the one- minute video (link below), especially those of you who have been following Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life Now for some time.

In addition to highlighting some of what's important to me, the video and all that was expressed in it immediately reminded me of my RED ONION STORYPeeling Away the Layers of an Onion: Analogous to Peeling Away the Layers of Ourselves done several years ago. The photos and text in the latter PDF documented my observations at the time of what happened with my intention to photograph a layer daily of an onion until it was complete.


The different perspective in the photo below brings a smile to my face every time I look it.

Cut Onion Smile
An example of some of my aha's and self-reflections: 

"I wonder," I wrote on the 3rd day; “Is this how I treat myself (and others), immediately cutting directly in to whatever is going on? What would be available were I to become more gentle with others and myself? ” How about if it’s simply – though not always so simple - appreciating the unaltered beauty of what’s underneath?
How about you? How do you treat yourself? With a knife or with loving tenderness?

I invite you to consider the above questions for yourself. 

Ultimately I assembled selected photos and observations into the RED ONION STORY #1. Over time many of you took advantage of the download in one offer or another. If you've misplaced it, would like to see it again, or never got it, you are welcome to get it now.

Simply click, or tap, on RED ONION STORY and fill in your name and email address so I can have a record of your interest. Since you're already a subscriber, no confirmation is necessary. You will get an immediate reply with the link.

Given my own experience of red onions and other vegetables being eye-catchers for me, subjects for photos and videos, I smiled at the statement, while watching Apple's video, "It's poetry." Presumably this related to the iPhone videoing the onion-cutting. I smiled also when one of the characters in the iPhone 6S video commented to a friend that he's going to make a Snap Peas movie.  

To see all of this for yourself, simply click, or tap, on the image below or on the link underneath it. It's a one-minute video.

Apple's iPhone 6S - Onions video ad
Apple's iPhone 6S - Onions - a Video Ad

At the beginning of this email, I invited you to respond, if you haven't already, to my Feedback survey to help me and to help you in selecting and creating the most meaningful content for you. For most of the respondents the survey took only 30 seconds to a minute, plus filling in name and email address to receive the Thank You 3.5 minute rose video.

Simply go to SURVEY to respond now. If you did answer last week and for some unknown reason did not get the video, simply send a reply to this email with your request - Roses Video - in the subject line.  I will email you the download link.

You can meditate from the images, choose to write, and/or simply breathe them in and relax as you watch the Video Slide show set to music.

A random selection from the hundreds of roses photos, I've
taken in the past week. The growth of new leaves after several days intrigues me. [Photo bottom left]

The leaves were/are...still, as I write...on the stem of a yellow rose that's still in bud form.  

These will be included in the complimentary Roses video that I'll happily send you in appreciation for responding to the simple Survey.

A few COMMENTS I received:
"Just want to thank you for all the roses!  And I so enjoyed seeing them in different times of their lives - they are all beautiful.  And the differences in each rose was really made clear to me." Kate

"Very, very beautiful! Thanks so much!" Morgine

"Absolutely beautiful. "Andee

COMMENTS WELCOME - I'd love to "hear"/see your response to the iPhone 6S - Onions video ad... to the ad itself and/or your own experiences with cutting and seeing  things in vegetables.

Do you use your phone, or other camera, for videoing? If so, what subject(s) is(are) your preference? 

Please share in the "Leave a Reply" section at the end of the post on the BLOG

To Discovery - Wonder, Joy and Love in 
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.



©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila